Introduce Yourself : Who the hell is THAT guy? by Dwayne Conyers

Dwayne Conyers

Who the hell is THAT guy?

Been involved in the industry for several years. Equally right- and left-brain dominant, I supported myself doing I.T. work while learning the screenwriting craft.

When I came to Hollywood, I was surprised to find agents of the agencies I had worked for (i.e. the NSA, CIA, White House, etc) going full on to prevent me from having industry success. They wanted me bringing in billions of federal contracts (sharing very little with me) vs. a creative career.

I entered a mentorship at the WGA only to find a “plant” who would almost fell into my lap trying to read my script pages. He attacked a long-time TV producer who offered to manage my career. When another producer invited me for beer and wings to discuss a job writing on his popular HBO series, that same “plant” ran over to knock a pitcher of beer into the showrunner’s lap, killing my 2nd great job opportunity.

Pissed off but nowhere near wanting to quit or give up, I am forging full speed ahead until I make it into the fold.

Dwayne Conyers

Queer Steer

Atomic Skeletons

Galactic Blitz

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