Introduce Yourself : Writer, Director, Producer, Editor by Grant Vetters

Grant Vetters

Writer, Director, Producer, Editor

Hi! I'm an indie hyphenate, not by choice and definitely not by expertise but by requirement. I was in the film industry decades ago, and have had numerous scripts optioned and few produced. I always wanted to direct, just like thousands of others. About three years ago, I started to shoot projects, thanks for the incredible revolution of digital film making, ala the Canon 5D. No more costly film camera, film stock, film labs and edit suites; just my camera and my Mac. I had transitioned out of the film industry into a more "traditional" line of work, but was confronted by the most introspective thoughts - is this what I want to do with my life? The answer was "no", so I've set out on the challenging, but rewarding journey of following my dreams. I hold dearly to a phrase I heard at a film conference; "First your work will be sh!t, then good, then great. You can't really avoid that transitional evolution". Hopefully that provides inspiration to those on a similar journey. Don't be frustrated by your earliest work, accept and be inspired by the knowledge that even the greatest directors tread the same path. As you grow, don't be afraid to reach out to talented, established film crafts people to be part of your projects. Yo never know how they will respond. I have been fortunate to attract some notable people which will raise the calibre of my work with their talents. It inspires you to become better as well. My current work involves a soon to be released, up-an-coming music video for Canadian country musician, Rod Black. His current song, "Keep On Keeping' On" is playing on radios Canada-wide, and rapidly moving into the US Market as well. He is a talented delight to work with. My other passion project is my Stoner Sci-Fi comedy called The Visitor. In short, it is "Sex, Drugs and UFOs". You can see it here: Some of my earlier work can be seen here, no to low budget, crews of 2 - 8 people (not that budget or crew size should have any bearing on quality produced). Thank you Stage 32 for being here to connect filmmakers and their dreams world-wide!

CineCoup - The Visitor Mission 1: Trailer
CineCoup - The Visitor Mission 1: Trailer
An alien woman comes to earth to mate with a deadbeat stoner. Only one thing stands in her way...a psychotically jealous, nut-job girlfriend.
Grant Vetters

FYI, my intent was not to use this platform to attract people to my project for support. In placing the link to the place where you can my faux trailer, the link was auto-generated. Kindly disregard.

Laura Saitta


Grant Vetters

Thanks, Kathryn!

Debbie Croysdale

Interesting. Thanks to Ed for sharing his passion of photography art form. I learned something new. I've been to many arts exhibitions all over the world, but never seen (or heard of) these tin photos before. It's like people's souls are captured, and it's great that they are hand made by another person, and not produced by the random click of a switch. Debbie

Debbie Croysdale

Hi I apologise there has been "a network error" and the above message was for another user. (Must have been near to you on the lounge page). Debbie

Grant Vetters

: ) No worries!

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