Hi Jen, Thanks for sharing Employees Only - If you missed some of my feedback, I am gathering together the main points to date:
1.) What does Ray aspire to? What is his objective in the job role and his out of hob aspirations? Will you be giving the restaurant a name to build its appeal What is bringing the different characters to work at this restaurant? What is Raj's appeal factor that makes us want to know more about him? Will there be any inclusion of their outer work-life in show biz be coming into their restaurant working days and hours. How will they respond to work from work or each other's aspirational goals in the same industry? How do they blend as a dysfunctional team of workers, will this be further explored? and finally is this a filmed story and an animation story. I really like your additional pitch doc. My best wishes, Neil :-)
Other topics in Mike Disa's Animated Pilot Lab (May 2021):
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Thank you Lacey! Just figured this out!
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Hi Lacy, is this link Jen's script link? Is this the one we are doing this week? Please reply ASAP, thanks, Neil :-)
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Hi Jen, Thanks for sharing Employees Only - If you missed some of my feedback, I am gathering together the main points to date:
1.) What does Ray aspire to? What is his objective in the job role and his out of hob aspirations? Will you be giving the restaurant a name to build its appeal What is bringing the different characters to work at this restaurant? What is Raj's appeal factor that makes us want to know more about him? Will there be any inclusion of their outer work-life in show biz be coming into their restaurant working days and hours. How will they respond to work from work or each other's aspirational goals in the same industry? How do they blend as a dysfunctional team of workers, will this be further explored? and finally is this a filmed story and an animation story. I really like your additional pitch doc. My best wishes, Neil :-)