Introduce Yourself : Hello! by Sue M. Swank

Sue M. Swank


Hi everyone! Just taking a break from my latest script promotion to poke my head in here and say hi! I've written some books, then tried my hand at script writing and fell in love with it (hard work though, but I love it all!)

Elaine Haygood

::Waves:: So what genre do you work in?

Sue M. Swank

Mostly between drama/thriller, you?

John Lovins

That's cool

Jeanie Hobgood

That is great! you're an inspriration!

Elaine Haygood

I work primarily in SciFi/Fantasy/Horror, but I'm currently shopping a Crime Drama-Thriller.

Lord Graham C Jones

Hi Sue. Great to meet you :-)

Izzibella Beau

Hi, Sue. Hope you are doing well.

Geoff Hall

Hello Sue!

Shawn Speake

Happy Friday, Sue!

Sue M. Swank

I just posted my logline and script from my latest Script for consideration (you can also see it in the job posting areas), Please be sure to give it a read and contact me should you be interested in it :) Thanks!

Jacqueline Kelly

Good luck Sue.

Sue M. Swank


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