On Writing : More good news for indies... by Jeff Lyons

Jeff Lyons

More good news for indies...

More good news for indie authors: E-book sales for big pubs is down again this year, but self-pub'd e-books may be making up the difference--good news for self-pub'd authors. http://for.tn/29REcF2

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David E. Gates

That is good to hear - I think the way people consume books is changing even more so that when eBooks first appeared. I've certainly seen a little uplift in my sales, but attribute that more to my efforts than anything specific going on in the marketplaces. David E. Gates (Author of Access Denied, The Roots of Evil, The Ghost of Clothes and Omonolidee).

Ellison Wright Baldwin

This is great to hear, as I've had many sales for e-books, then I did paperback. While I still have paperback, it's only a matter of time, by the end of this year, that my paperbacks, are going to be out-of-print. And I've got to accept that.

David E. Gates

Why aren't your paperbacks print-on-demand Garland?? All mine are. Never need to be out of print then and gives people the choice.

Ellison Wright Baldwin

@David, they are print-on-demand, via. "CreateSpace" and formerly "Xlibris", I'd just never saw a lot of sales from paperback. While it does give more options, for readers, because I'm eco-friendly, I'd don't enjoy having to imagine more forests getting cut down, to create more paperbacks, that aren't guarantee to sell off the bat. At least with e-books, there's more ways to look up the word by highlighting it, making recommendations, and changing the size and font. Also sharing notes and quotes, and receiving updates too. So yeah, while paperbacks is nice, I'd just want to go for more of a eco-friendly choice. Once I order all of my paperbacks for myself, I'll declare them out of print.

David E. Gates

I don't think you're grasping what on-demand means. It means no trees are wasted un-necessarily because ONLY what is purchased is produced. It is, therefore, eco-friendly. They don't print a stack of books then send them out. And you're potentially going to miss out on sales because not everyone has access to eBooks.

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