Hello friends! I wanted to get your thoughts as I've had a play win a fellowship and get a staged reading. Three nights of professional actors in front of an audience proved the play has legs. My question is: now what?
I've done a polish based on audience reaction and feedback and I continue to submit to competitions and theaters via Playwrights' Center. But do you more seasoned playwrights have suggestions on other ways to promote my work and have it turned into a full-scale production? Is there a master list of theaters throughout the country?
I will say that this is a comedy that features great roles for actors in the MENASA community so it speaks to an underrepresented demographic. It also has a catchy title -- THE BROTHERS MATAFOUK.
Any thoughts from the lounge denizens would be much appreciated!
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Hi Andy! I always recommend reaching out to theatre companies in your area and seeing if they are interested in giving you a world premiere. Depending on where you are in the development process, of course. Just make sure to go see a show from the company so you can see the quality of their productions.
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I love that advice, William Joseph Hill!
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Definitely plug in to the local theatre community in your area. Go to a show, and stop by the bulletin board to peruse fliers for upcoming get togethers and networking opportunities. There's always something going on. From there, just get to know other playwrights and folks in your area, once you build real relationships, maybe bring up your works and ask for recommendations on where you might can get it staged. It takes a campaign and there's not really a magic bullet out there for most, but with some fun nights out and a little elbow rubbing, you can get yourself into great positions to set your work up!