Post-Production : 9 Cuts Every Video Editor Should Know- Beginning Tips by Ashley Renee Smith

Ashley Renee Smith

9 Cuts Every Video Editor Should Know- Beginning Tips

For any beginning editors and filmmakers, this video breaks down the 9 most used editing cuts that you should know and understand-

9 Cuts Every Video Editor Should Know | Filmmaking Tips
9 Cuts Every Video Editor Should Know | Filmmaking Tips - For a breakdown of each cut every editor should know, check out our blog!
Maurice Vaughan

Great share, Ashley Renee Smith! I've seen these cuts in movies and shows. My favorite cut is the Match Cut.

Paul Rivers

Hey Maurice Vaughan, I really enjoy the Match Cut too but "conveying that in script" is like trying to push the entire Pacific Ocean up Mount Everest to a non-creative. I am glad he said, " ...we figure out in the Storyboarding phase of it can be done in the editing bay..."

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