Post-Production : Attention to Detail by Daniel Husbands

Daniel Husbands

Attention to Detail

While a lot of amazing work has been showcased in many many films, what would you say is the most detailed piece of VFX you've ever seen. While not my most favorite franchise, I'm a fan of the amazing complexity in the Transformers films. The robots alone are so detailed in the fact that they have to double as a vehicles and transform in and out of that form, that they take the #1 spot for being the most detailed and complex VFX I've seen yet. Michael Bay is big on explosions and destruction and I'm still amazed the the scale and detail that his films have.

What would you say are the most detailed VFX you've ever seen?

Maurice Vaughan

Incredible BTS video, Daniel Husbands! Definitely the VFX in the "Transformers" movies. The VFX is one of the reasons I watch the films.

Kerry Kennard

Star Wars and the Matrix series are pretty awesome in Detail.

All those moving “jets” and sky fighting had a lot of detail. I think I did see some mistakes and the behind the scenes even said / showed where they were. Though for the Average audience no one would see them, esp from all the fast action and how close some of the ships were (moving / flying).

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