Anything Goes : Kung Fu Cowboy Rock & Roll Movie 1 by Richard Del Connor

Richard Del Connor

Kung Fu Cowboy Rock & Roll Movie 1

Scott Karahadian and Richard Del Connor spent five months writing the screenplay, Kung Fu Cowboy Rock & Roll Movie 1. I spent three months budgeting it and submitting it to UPMs who verified it with suggestions and corrections. We don't need any "recognized talent" to make the movie. We'd prefer it to be a cast of "unknowns." But everyone wants a star packaged into... How can I find an Executive Producer capable of raising $15MM for a great script without any big names attached?

Ken Koh

Just submit it to everyone, or have a rep do it for you, If it truly is a great script they'll be fighting over it. Personally, I have yet to read a great script that somebody else hasn't already optioned, owned, made into a movie, or is making into a movie. Finding the great script is more difficult than getting funding.

William Dickerson

$15 million is unfortunately in that dead zone of film funding -- it's not impossible, not by any means, but it's quite difficult, particularly with unknown actors. Most movies getting made nowadays are tent-poles, with budgets of $150 million and beyond and microbudgets, which tend to be made for 1 million and below. Can this film be made on a microbudget?

Gary A. Lowe

unless you are already an A List writer you will need an A List actor or two to cover a $15M budget. If you're unwilling to go that route then I would suggest selling the script thru a major agent to a studio, then you'll become an A list writer, welcome to Hollywood

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