So, i have been trying to find a producer for a short film i want to get off the ground recently, and its been a lot more difficult than i had thought. Normally, i would produce it myself and bring people on to assist in aspects while i try to also focus on directing. I have attempted it too many times this way and it never succeeds. I want to focus on directing and possibly produce a little bit (just not spend a majority of my energy on this). What would be the best way to get a producer on board? This is an easy project too. It just requires fundraising and then a few specific locations. Crew is already on board(for the most part) and actors should be easy. HOW DO I FIND A PRODUCER WHO KNOWS WHAT THEY ARE DOING? Especially being i am willing to pay them if we can fund-raise enough money. Thanks.
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"just requires fundraising" For a short. First; be very aware of what you are asking. It's difficult to find an experienced producer to raise money for a short film because there is no return on that investment. No financial return. So the people putting up the money need to deeply believe in you as a person. Which means the producer can't be in this for the money, the producer need to be in this for you and the project. It's great that you are willing to pay a producer if they raise enough money to get paid. But that sounds a little self-serving: the producer finds the money and you are willing to pay them IF they raise enough. I'm not trying to discourage you. I'm a producer so I ask myself what would it take for me to be the producer you are looking for. I find the money and if I find enough I can use some of that to pay fro my time, effort and experience doesn't seem like a good deal for me. I wish I could give you an answer; what could you do to attract me as a producer. I don't know you personally so that reason isn't on the table. I will have to find money not from investors looking for a financial return but donations from people who believe in you as a writer/director. I respect your dilemma, it's not easy finding a producer to raise funds for a short film.
I understand your point entirely. I wasn't sure how to state the project to begin with. I have never went to recruit a ATL position outside of people I've known before. I probably should have thought about how to word that before hand. What i am going to do is, i will re-post the job opportunity with more detail on the project as well as on what i am looking for in a producer. Thank you for your honesty.
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I agree wholeheartedly with D., and while I appreciate your response, Adam, I wanted to chime in... I think, ultimately, what you're going to end up needing is someone who can initially manage and run a crowd-funding campaign for you. This person could certainly transition into a more traditional producer role on your project but the reality is, based on the limited information you've provided, you're looking for a Line Producer or Production Manager. For someone like me, for example, capital "P" Producing is as much about building the team - from casting to crewing - to say nothing of working with the writer to develop the material (which I also do). It appears that you're basically saying you have everything from script to post sorted and just need someone to raise the money and oversee the process. So what you're seeking is a Line Producer. If I were you, I'd try reaching out to local film schools in search of someone who needs some experience. Best of luck.