Producing : From The American Film Market and Stephen Follows - The Full Costs and Income of a £1million Indie Film by Dimi Nakov

Dimi Nakov

From The American Film Market and Stephen Follows - The Full Costs and Income of a £1million Indie Film

From American Film Market​ and Stephen Follows <>> "It’s rare for filmmakers to get a candid look at the books of someone else’s film but, thanks to the generosity of Marcus Markou, that’s exactly what you’ll get to read below. Papadopoulos & Sons tells the tale of an Anglo-Greek self-made millionaire who loses everything in the banking crisis and is forced to turn to his estranged brother to re-open the fish and chip shop they shared in their youth. The film was written and directed by first-time filmmaker Marcus Markou.."

Richard "RB" Botto

Another incredible piece of research by Stephen.

Dimi Nakov

Very very helpful..D

Dan MaxXx

What's the lesson here? Filmmaker lost big money. Is he working on 2nd film? The goal of a first movie is to get $$$ for 2nd movie.

Richard "RB" Botto

Think there are a ton of lessons within.

Dan MaxXx

yep. first lesson- be rich and don't worry about spending $900K on a hobby to impress your kids. You will get your money back in year 11... if you're still alive.

Dimi Nakov

I agree with RB..Plenty of lessons here and the filmmaker by the looks of it will recoup all the money and will make more than a 2nd feature..

Jeff Lyons

One of the biggest takaways is that most indie producers don't appreciate the long-term investment piece. The whole point about catalogues and libraries for films that have general audience appeal means producers can see money for decades as catalogues and libraries change hands. After ten or 11 years the show will probably be fully recouped and then it's all profit. You have to have a long view of history if your're going to be in this game as a career. Just smart business sense.

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