Producing : Funding, targets, and the show by Terri Morgan

Terri Morgan

Funding, targets, and the show

I've been trying to sort out a few things. One of the big ones is where is the money. Not just funding to do a promo or one show. Where is the money to keep it going?

That business question has been gnawing at me. I've gotten so much more done so far than I thought was even possible. What I'd like to do next seems so easy and it's possible and it's scary that it could be successful. I'd like that. But it is scary. It wasn't so scary when I was still looking for the markets and funding. It was more wishful thinking. If I could get a sponsor or just one advertiser for the podcast. Where to look? What's the connection? Why would a brand sponsor us? All good questions. But not the answer.

Well, I think I found an answer. Looks like it could be a good one too - both in the sense of doing good and in the the sense of being profitable. A way to bring in more listeners and produce the revenue we need to keep going. Book sales were never going to do it. The audio books won't really make that much difference either. Even with great sales, neither would bring in enough to produce the show. So what might? And a better question -> What sort of budget do I need to produce the show the way I envision it? Audio only with voice actors, music, sound? And all the collateral that goes with?

I looked hard at what we have done, what I've been doing, and what I've been trying to do. I came to the conclusion that It won't work. The only way it works is if I have a backer to provide funding. Yes, well. That's been the sticking point.

So what might work? Where is my audience? Who is my audience? That was one of my biggest issues. If I'm going to market the show to get people to listen and buy stuff, who are these people? Where can I find them? How can I create something that repeats? The show could go for 10 years and not repeat anything. I've already written that and I'm working on more. But who might want to listen?

I looked at the numbers for what I have in mind. I looked at the market, too. I asked some outside business people. It looks good. I have real numbers to work with and an offering that I can touch for revenue. Great! Time to rework my pitch deck and start putting some real numbers on paper.

But wait! So now I'm wrestling with myself. Why? I can see how it could go. That if I do the work, if I can just get through the next few weeks and bring in a few people, it could really be successful. I also know that for any of what I want to happen, there's more work I have to do. It's not something anyone can do for me. I have to do it. I feel like I'm backstage at a National event for the first time (Martial Arts competitions and business presentations). It's exciting and scary and I'm not sure I'm ready. But there's nobody else who can bring my vision to life. So, anybody seen the Wizard of Oz around? Me and the Lion could both use some courage.

Maurice Vaughan

Hope you find backers, Terri Morgan!

Dan MaxXx

I had decent success with middle-age dentists with more money than brains. High salary ppl with deep pockets for expensive hobbies.

Maybe start hanging out at charity events, art galleries, car auctions- places that attract $. I just joined a new gym and it seems every member is a crypto millionaire. GL

Geoff Hall

Dan MaxXx Dan Max, crypto-millionaire?

Richard Buzzell

In one of my scripts a filmmaker gets financing from a crypto-cash billionaire. Doesn't work out well for him though.

Geoff Hall

Richard Buzzell from crypto to crypt, then Richard?

Richard Buzzell

Geoff - Actually yes, although the route is indirect. It's a cautionary tale in a number of ways.

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