Producing : How to find your team? by Ewen Munro

Ewen Munro

How to find your team?

So I have a feature script that I want to direct and I'm looking for a team to help make this film come to life. Where do I start?

Ewen Munro

Thanks for the advice, Dan!

Olya Kornienko

Yes, Ewen.. you would need money. Find a producer. Ideally with feature film credits but hey, everyone starts somewhere. But be careful when choosing. The thing is... everyone should start with creating a tribe of people who want to see the movie. In advance. Get them involved. As for the quick tip, I suggest you would read "From Reel to Deal" book by Dov S-S Simens. Not everything will apply if you are doing it digitally but it is a great book and will answer your questions.

Larry DeGala

microbudget. SAG ULB. film short sizzle reel. various flavors but you may have to choose one.

Ewen Munro

Thank you, Olya and Larry, for the advice. I'm definitely going to take your words to heart. ;) #keepgrowing #keepcreating.

Larry DeGala

if you want to become a notable director, seek out a powerhouse Director of Photography and a solid sound mixer / sound designer. and an editor who understands your vision.

Mark Ratering

Get a producer.

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