Producing : I need your help by Alejandro Marello

Alejandro Marello

I need your help

I need help to produce a web series

what are the steps to follow?

any link that can help me or here in stage32 that can advise me

Maurice Vaughan

Alejandro Marello Stage 32 has a webinar called "How to Create a Digital Series or Web Series on a Shoestring Budget"

Amanda Toney

The webinar Maurice referenced is excellent, you'll find it really helpful Alejandro.

Sydney Summers

Hey, Alejandro! Nice to meet you :) My name is Sydney and I am on the Stage 32 education team. I would be more than happy to always recommend you education to help you on your creative journey. You can reach me at

I hope you have a nice day! Also, the webinar that Maurice recommended rocks!

Maia Buljeta

Hey Alejandro Marello ! Along with a free film/tv show production guide, I recently created a free unlimited no-signup no-ads film/tv show planning software - I hope it helps you!

Alejandro Marello

Maia Buljeta That is spectacular. I see it now. thank you very much!

Pamela Jaye Smith

You might also visit the websites of various International Web Series Festivals where some have videos of panels and presentations by the series creators and others -- all giving tips for creating web series. I've worked with the LA WebFest for over ten years and they do great work. As does Bilbao, Rio, Seoul S. Korea, Rome, Berlin.... It's a wonderful medium in which to really explore without the constraints of the "big guys" ala studios, streamers, etc. Best of Luck to you!!!

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