Producing : Producing slate of 4 films and trying to sell three that are in the can - inundated with an over saturated market of "go no where" funding sites... by Aaron Champion

Aaron Champion

Producing slate of 4 films and trying to sell three that are in the can - inundated with an over saturated market of "go no where" funding sites...

I have found that sticking with the tried and true methods of finding investments seems to be the most successful, but in my current slate I am being worn thin seeking the right path. My brain is over stimulated with different models "crowd funding" "On line funding sites" and the "classic angel investor" methods. Not to mention, pre-sales, foreign sales, direct to market VOD models, investment firms, film funds, new pop up sites that offer "great VOD deals" aahhh. Whats a producer to do in todays market where the films being made are HUGE and SMALL but nothing in-between? I have been blessed in the past with the joy of working with some great angel investors but now the slate I have built requires more than the network of wealth I am currently in can support. But no matter what path I look at, what model I dive into, no matter how many investment decks I build and different models I string together, I always come back to the fact that the best way for me to raise indie film money seems to be from good trust worthy angel investors who believe in my projects and the teams behind them. Id rather partner with some people who believe in us and our projects anyway. I just wish there was a more direct way to reach out to those types of investors, those types of passionate and hungry people. Time to wade through the over saturation and muck. The search continues.

Renu Patel

Hi Aaron, We are all in the same state of affairs - finding funds..... I have a slate of 3 & 5 films but have been trying since nearly two years without any luck. Tried all the avenues. My best option at the moment is sell the 2 films .......fully made to put on the market and the funds I get will be initial investment in the new film and build on it. Getting good deals with Actors. Singing Actors and HOD with small amount upfront and giving back end. This is the only solution I have come up with till now. Making a good deal with Post house to invest in Post. And work on smaller amount for Development and Production. Anyway best of luck to you and anyone working to find funds.

Erik A. Jacobson

A number of filmmakers use investor sites such as But you'll need to have all your ducks in a row before posting.

Renu Patel

Thank you for your help. With the film close to my heart

Renu Patel

Sorry Internet went..... film close to my heart is fully developed film with intent letters from all the cast and the HOD. We are only looking for production funds. I have never used Investor sites but will use it. Let you know once I get some response from them.

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