Producing : Production Company? by Kyle Climans

Kyle Climans

Production Company?

So I'm currently in the middle of filming an independent web series in the Greater Toronto Area. At this point it's basically me who is providing the finances for the project, and I'm suddenly wondering if I should set up a production company, even one that is just on paper. Would that be beneficial for me and the production? And if yes, what would be required to do that?

David Trotti

I can't advise you on the process of forming a Canadian company, but I do highly recommend forming a business entity to protect you financially and to allow you to hire employees, buy/lease equipment and offset profits and losses through it. The most popular model in the film business is the LLC (Limited Liability Company) which allows you take advantage of most of the benefits of a Corporation while still being as flexible as a Personally owned business.

Kyle Climans

Thank you, Christopher, but I am not looking for a loan right now.

Ken Koh

Absolutely yes. An LLC limits your liability even for a low budget. I always recommend saving up and geting production insurance and workers comp, it's not that expensive for very short term.

Kyle Climans

Thank you all for your help in this. I'll need to see what the options are for me in Canada concerning the LLC.

John Ellis

I, too, am not an expert about Canadian prodcos, but it seems to me that having a business entity opens up the financial programs and incentives the Canadian government offers.

Kyle Climans

So, the LLC is not an option in Canada. Do any fellow Canadians have any experience with this, or any insight into what my options are?

Ken Koh

Kyle. Sorry I should have said corporation for Canada. It's your best bet, corporations provide limited liability that sole proprietorships and most partnerships do not. To save money, talk with an account first about your exact situation then just do it yourself.

Jerry Stockings

Hello, My name is Jerry Stocking I'm a private lender with difference if anyone is interested in receiving funds you can kindly PM or send me a mail at ....... I believe we'll surly have a nice time working together.



Hello, My name is Jerry Stocking I'm a private lender with difference if anyone is interested in receiving funds you can kindly PM or send me a mail at ....... I believe we'll surly have a nice time working together.



John Ellis

Oh, Lord, another "financier." This one can't even spell!

Ken Koh

Kyle, I don't know the scale of your project, but I would advice against getting into debt.

D Marcus

Kyle, I think it would be beneficial for you to set up a company. I did a quick check and found a couple of resources in Canada for forming a company and a corporation on the government of Canada website. Do you need the link?

John Bennett

A well known Producer friend of mine has told me repeatedly: "Never use your own money to fund your films" I think that extends to anyone offering to lend you money.

Kyle Climans

A link would be nice, thank you very much, Marcus.

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