Anything Goes : Fifty Shades of Grey set for $110m global debut as France gives film a 12 certificate by Amanda Toney

Amanda Toney

Fifty Shades of Grey set for $110m global debut as France gives film a 12 certificate

Fifty Shades of Grey looks set to drive all before it at cinemas this weekend with a debut of around $110m (£72m) worldwide, according to box-office pundits.

Beth Fox Heisinger

I'm sure this film will do well at the box office, but... they certainly won't get any of my money. Sorry, Mr. Grey.

Beth Fox Heisinger

I thought I should mention... my lack of interest in this film has nothing to do with its content. I could care less -- to each their own, I say! I just don't take this story seriously. It seems far too contrived. But, hey, Mr. Grey can fulfill my needs -- he can paint my house! lol!

Beth Fox Heisinger

No no no, not cool, Owen. Not cool. I literally mean; paint my house. NO subtext there. No thank you. It was a joke. It's also an obscure reference to the comedy/thriller "Exit to Eden" starring Rosie O'Donnell, Dana Delany and Dan Aykroyd. In it Rosie plays an undercover detective looking for a jewel thief on a dominatrix-themed private island... Anyway, the guy won't leave her alone, wants to be her submissive and will do anything she asks, fulfill her needs... Exasperated, she tells him "Great. Paint my house!"

Beth Fox Heisinger

Oh, I know this is all in good fun... Sorry, I have an automatic repulsion to the word "hardcore." I think I even threw up a little bit there... I certainly wasn't exposing any proclivities on my part. Only joking, just want to be clear. lol!

Richard "RB" Botto

An Exit to Eden reference. Another reason to love Beth.

Beth Fox Heisinger

Hey, I love that line from Exit to Eden! It made the whole not-so-great film worth watching, right?! ;)

Richard "RB" Botto

Kinda ;)

Beth Fox Heisinger

Haha! Okay, you're right... Well, at least that film didn't take itself too seriously. ;) This Mr. Grey thing... so contrived!

Richard "RB" Botto

Can't argue that.

Beth Fox Heisinger

Okay, in all seriousness, and because I can't seem to escape the marketing for this film -- I was confronted in line at the grocery store by the Valentine's Day "Mr. Grey" teddy bear in his little gray suit and little handcuffs -- I must comment further. This film, or rather this story, at its core is just the stereotypical tale of the rich, worldly man saving/educating/liberating the simple, innocent, wide-eyed, small town girl. In regards to this theme I find this story to be cliché rather than risqué. Even slightly offensive; again, a man "saves" a woman; transforms her. This is pure female fantasy that some women have, certainly the romantic novel crowd -- the "perfect" man swoops in and only pays attention to "you," the average girl. We have the ultra-rich guy, who has everything he could want but his wealth imprisons him with "boredom" and keeps him somewhat aloof, not able to truly connect. So, here, we have two young people who struggle with communication and express themselves physically with each other, when the true vulnerable position is that of emotional intimacy. Now, consider this... Would if Mr. Grey was a Ms. Grey? That would have put a different twist on this old theme, yes? ...And, no, I did not buy the teddy bear. ;)

Kristopher Rickards

Would if Mr. Grey was a Ms. Grey? I think Peter Strickland's Duke of Burgundy may attempt to answer this next week.

Beth Fox Heisinger

Hey Kristopher, I just searched that film for further information. It certainly does look to be more psychological -- the critics consensus stating, "Stylish, sensual, and smart, The Duke of Burgundy proves that erotic cinema can have genuine substance." Plus, I noticed on the Rotten Tomatoes Fresh Meter that Fifty Shades received a measly 23%.

Beth Fox Heisinger

Wow, Kathryn... Erudite? I'm flattered. Haha! I've been called many things, but not that. LOL! And, I'm totally with you -- yuck. I won't even read the books... However, my repulsion is more towards the overly contrived, fantasy aspect rather than anything else. I mean, to each their own!

Kristopher Rickards

Something peculiar happened with Fifty Shades of Grey that I don't believe anyone would have predicted a year ago. Much of the audience has been work office parties containing the majority of women going to watch for comedic reasons. In these post irony days of Sharknado, Machete - when the filmmaking teams are deliberately trying to make "so bad it's good" , it's refreshing to see a film that is supposed to be serious having the piss ripped out of it by the paying market. All this said, I don't think I'll ever bother watching it, either. I'm just trying to fathom its success.

Jorge J Prieto

This film once again proofs, that woman have A GREAT DEAL of buying power and lets face it this is a female flick, written by a middle age female (very smart by the way) and according to Fandango I believe the % was 76 - 86% of female purchases online. Once again as a writer I now more focus on writing female lead characters as they are in hand demand and I hate to say this but I noticed this at the box office where I work, woman had more money than the man (and this is in Mid-Town NYC) as they expend more and many even payed for their male companions. To end, 50 Shades has Sex, nudity, more kinky sex a somewhat geek girl and a rich, powerful somewhat hot male lead this are the element, although sex and nudity (R-rating helps) are at the top. I witnessed this with the success of Magic Mike when it first came out, 95 % female audiences and it was a hit, that has a sequel about to be release. Woman power at the box office a proven success formula with the right story to back it up. I'm out.... Keep writing and writing my fellow writers Stage 32s.

Jorge J Prieto

Hey "Looking for Mr. Goodbar" comes to mind as Ms. Gray a little bit at least. That movie had a shocking ending, but it gave us a lot of talk back in the 80's I think is when I saw it, can't remember it was somewhat anti gay according to some although to me it was disturbing and make one think about one night stands

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