Your Stage : MY “ TOP GUN” Spin-off Concept. by Isaiah Deshaun Harrison

Isaiah Deshaun Harrison

MY “ TOP GUN” Spin-off Concept.

Since the release of “ Top Gun: Maverick “, There have been talks of more sequels and spin-offs. I’ve always been a fan of top gun.. It was the first movie I ever saw in the theater. I was only four years old but I remember my parents taking me to see it. I always had this fantasy of being in the top gun movie. So now that I am older and top gun is now officially a franchise, I thought I share with all of you my proof of concept on a top gun spinoff. It’s actually based on a fanfiction I wrote on a website.

It’s perfect for the synopsis:

Lt. Cane Michaels. Formerly Captain. Callsign...Hurricane. Once up there with the best of best. Once sent to Miramar...Top Gun. Where his uncle Lt. Marcus Williams; Call Sign: Sundown once attended. Through there is where Cane met two of Sundown's fellow flyboy "brothers in arms" back when he was a child. Lt. Pete Mitchell: Call Sign: Maverick . And Lt. Tom Kazansky; Call Sign: Iceman. Whom Cane both idolized then his own Uncle. Cane always wanted to fly planes . Even flew remote control ones during childhood. Idolizing both Maverick and Iceman gave him the drive to not just be a pilot but a Naval Fighter pilot. Especially hearing their stories in combat. Through both his idols is he met Bradley Bradshaw. Becoming childhood best friends . Cane was the one who kept Bradley's spirits up after the death of his father Lt. Nick Bradshaw ; Call Sign: Goose. And Maverick's best friend. By flying RC planes together, playing Nintendo games, and entertaining Bradley with magic tricks. Not just entertaining Bradley but also his widowed mother Carole and Maverick's girlfriend at the time: Charlotte "Charlie" Blackwood. But sometimes there would be another lady he would entertain with his charm. Her name was Sarah Kazansky; Iceman's newly wedded wife at the time. Who would end up being Cane's childhood crush. Since Cane saw Ice as a king , He saw Sarah as a queen. The most beautiful woman he ever seen. Someone to worship. Worshipping her so much by helping clean , complimenting her and giving her gifts. Sarah was always flattered by Cane's charm. Especially one 4th of July backyard party during a barbecue featuring Ice, Maverick, Uncle Sundown , Carole,Charlie, and Bradley. But his worship lead to him having a notorious reputation. One of the kids at the party started fussing at Sarah so much that he throw his plate of food on her. Setting off Cane. Jumping ,punching, and stomping on the kid who disrespected the "Queen of the Ice King." Charlie, Carole, Iceman, Sundown , and Sarah looked in horror not to believe their eyes. Yelling back at him to stop . It was Maverick who stepped in ,put him against the wall and asked him.

"What the hell is the matter with you?"

Cane just stayed silent . With look on his face like he was shocked by Maverick's response. He asks another question.

"What the hell were you thinking?"

Cane gives an answer.

"You and Ice taught me not to think."

Sundown must of thought that both Maverick and Ice were a bad influence on Cane. But all that rage and anger may have came to the fact that his parents were killed in a plane crash . Triggering for Sundown to take care of him . Which also triggered Cane to violently lash out with his temper from time to time. Almost costing his shot at Top Gun but was able to graduate. His temper would cool down for awhile through the years, but nobody knew when they would set him off,again. His actions were unpredictable. Which is one of the reasons for his nickname turned Call sign : Hurricane. He was like a storm that came and went . Never knew when He would strike. And when he did , He would tear up and destroy everything in his path. No one knew when he would loose it. But "loosing it" would lead him to also loose his captain stripes, his best friend Bradley Callsign :Rooster, his Uncle Sundown, and especially his Idols Ice and Maverick. But the greatest lose Hurricane would ever have was the death of Iceman to throat cancer. It hit him like a Storm triggering the storm within him to demolish things even more. Leading him to be arrested in several occasions. What kept him recently grounded was the fact that his recent relationship with Iceman's Widow,Sarah. Helping her morn the lost of her husband. Even possibly expressing his feelings for her when he was a kid. Possibly leading her once again do what her husband always did and what Maverick did to Charlie which was to " Take her breath away." His latest furious ,Stormy outburst put him in prison . But this time , it was triggered by trying to defend Sarah's honor . One night, She and Hurricane were having dinner. Then, a bunch of low-lives on the night of town started to assault her being with him because of her age . Thats when Hurricane let out the greatest storm he would ever strike and they would never forget. Thats when Maverick came and got him out. Not by bailing him out but by a court-order to go on special "suicide" mission. With a wild bunch of fellow renegade pilots just like him . Whom were top gun alumnis ,drop outs, failures, or rejects with a bad influence and reputation. In a simple term ..."Expendable Assets". Despite his disgraceful violent nature, Cane was given a chance to show his peers, friends, Sarah, Himself, and especially the enemy what he was truly made of. That was to once again to be the best of the best. The top of the rank. And to do that, Was fly "highway to the dangerzone" and rock the a Hurricane.

I had myself in mine as hurricane and of course , Jean Louisa Kelly who played Iceman’s Widow Sara aka “Mrs. Ice” . Who also played Tia from Uncle Buck. Where I mostly remember her from. Who I thought was cute at the time. Which is maybe one of the reasons I want her for the spin-off.

I don’t know whether I will get this made as a real thing or not but right now it’s just a concept. Which I will hopefully take “Highway to the danger zone” to “Take your breath away.”

Isaiah Deshaun Harrison


Isaiah Deshaun Harrison

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Isaiah Deshaun Harrison


Isaiah Deshaun Harrison

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Isaiah Deshaun Harrison

Concept AI art of Me as “Hurricane “ and Jean Louisa Kelly as “ Mrs. Ice.”

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