I may want to be cautious with what I say, but...
I just saw a movie that was pretty lousy. I wrote one in a similar genre years ago. Forgive me if I boast a little but my script is about 1000 times better. No one bought that one. They bought the junk.
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Lance, Without knowing the specifics or seeing which Movie, you are speaking about or reading your script, it's hard to comment. BUT, I will advise you NOT to get disheartened. There are many reasons why a certain script sells. And, why some people might take a good script and make a bad movie out of it. But, in terms of your own potential success? This industry is like playing a game. You have to Brand yourself well and build contacts. If you don't have any credits yet, I would suggest purchasing IMDb-Pro, putting up your headshot, crafting an interesting Bio about yourself and getting a couple writing credits on short films. (There are many talented up-and-coming filmmakers who would collaborate on a short with you.) Take it on the Film Festival Curcuit and get your picture taken with as many celebrities, filmmakers and notable others as is possible and putting those pictures up. I don't care what anyone says here, it will help you. And, going to Festivals and showing off your work will help you do Uber-Networking! Get some real business cards and build your IMDb page, and most importantly, build your inner circle. Build relationships with established - and up-and-coming - Producers! If you Get MORE Pro-active GREAT THINGS WILL HAPPEN! A friend of mine who worked for Universal Studios said, "You have to keep banging on doors and banging on doors and kicking down doors until pretty soon, they can't ignore you anymore." And, then one day, someone will watch your movie on the BIG screen and hopefully NOT come here to Stage 32 and complain about it - LOL! Seriously, DON'T GET DISHEARTENED! KEEP MOVING FORWARD! GOD BLESS and STAY FRESH! <3
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I'm not giving up, just annoyed. Look at my loglines and maybe you can figure out which one I mean. I hope the studio hasn't ruined the genre yet because my script really has potential.
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Maybe I'm exaggerating but take a look at some movies that have earned razzie awards and ask yourself, "Could I have written something better than that?" I bet the answer is yes.
There are films that beggar belief but it's often down to lousy production values. It's just the way the dice roll sometimes.
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Better the Devil you know, or the Ol' school tie; it seems, especially in public funding, it seems to go to the same experienced practitioners, even if the projects are abject failures. As far as familiar stories go, I just watched a advert for a Pitch contest and one contestant pitched a similar storyline, but it's OK, 'cause mine rock and nobody tells a yarn like me:)
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Gordon is largely right. Anyone notice there have been a lot of "Boogeyman movies" the last couple years. Slenderman. Bye Bye Man. And who else?