Your Stage : Not Giving Up & Not Giving In by Thaddeus B

Thaddeus B

Not Giving Up & Not Giving In

Open confession. I have not taken advantage of Stage 32 as I should. Part of that is the inconsistency and doubt. Nobody knows I haven't been around, and that compounds the challenges. Effort and energy are something that I have found to be the difference maker in my professional career, coupled with focus. And that focus is on my work. My effort. Not on what anyone else is doing.

Stage 32 is just one tool to be used. Relationships! Nurturing relationships and having conversations with others who have a creative goal and vision. It is helpful, energizing, and inspiring.

My advice to anyone is DON'T WAIT for the right moment. I once pursued things with that mindset and then lost it over time, always playing it safe and comfortable as time rolled on. Sure, many people post this advice, and although it is found in many commentaries, it is true. Simple, but not easy to do.

Just do. Act. Do something!

I have given myself the permission to be a storyteller. To stop deferring to others who I elevate as being more talented, more lucky. I find enjoyment in participating in the creative process, collaborating with talented people, finding solutions to problems and overcoming challenges in putting projects together. I love when the vision takes shape and comes together from the choices I make and contribute to a project. Creating projects that touch audiences emotionally though insight, inspiration or simply providing a moment to escape from the “usual”.

I am busy developing my own projects based on stories I have had for decades. Decades!!

There is always an opportunity to create. Your idea and your story. It is unique to you. Do you love the story? Flush it out. Write it out. It will change. It should change as you write, think and write some more. Keep in mind that unless you manufacture product, you will never know. I have watched filmmakers create screenplays that would appear unprofessional, and then create a compelling and interesting short film from their writing. The passion to create overcomes the formalities. Of course, spit & polish is needed when you take the screenplay out for show & tell with investors and producers. However, that comes after getting the story out of your head and on paper. Maybe I am talking to myself.

One persons success does not take away from any opportunity for me to have success. There is no pie! There are many opportunities for success and I just need to pound the pavement like an old door-to-door salesman. I have chosen to go after opportunity. I have chosen to create with intensity and urgency. .

And when I am asked, I will help in a role that fits the need of someone else's project with the same enthusiasm, energy and hustle that I bring to my projects. I love researching and developing a story. I enjoy helping in navigating the dealmaking process. The contract management. I can help with production and even drive a truck if necessary!

Where can my expereince and effort help you?

How can we collaborate?

The fear of never trying, or more specifically, never finishing what I started has grown larger than the fear of failing. My runway in life is getting shorter. However, I still have a vision, a dream, that I cannot let go.

It's about trusting my instincts and getting the right people to execute a shared vision. So, here I go.

I hope to see you along the way.


Robin Gregory

Thank you kindly Thaddeus B , for sharing. Yeah, the whole point is the creative process, to keep it unfolding. Even if it's just writing haikus on paper napkins. Ha! Thanks for offering your support. What are you currently working on?

Maurice Vaughan

Great points, Thaddeus B! You got me pumped up to go write something!

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