Your Stage : Sci Fi investment trailer finally completed by David Easton

David Easton

Sci Fi investment trailer finally completed

Here's my ambitious investment trailer for my Sci-Fi adventure feature film Enceladus. I hope you enjoy it.

Robby Haynes

Intriguing sir!

Preston Poulter

Feels a bit like Europa Report. It's hard to know whether this is going to be a horror or a thriller though.

David Easton

Many thanks. The trailer is more a test/promotional tool. The feature film script behind Enceladus is a scifi adventure. Thanks for taking the time to watch it and comment. Feedback is useful.

Preston Poulter

They make a comment at 1:30ish that "Water. We've done it!" I would like there to be some comment earlier about what the purpose of the mission is. A comment like "A now the first manned mission to a moon of Jupiter is underway," would add a sense of purpose amidst all the shot of people just flipping switches. I get the sense from the trailer that the woman opening the airlock at 1:40-1:50 is attempting to get away from something, but the music doesn't tell me that. The music needs to be communicating that danger and fear for survival rather than the epic "Here we go" tone of earlier in the trailer and doesn't build towards a sense of danger until 2:20. At the two minute mark, we have "Why did they send us here? It's all for nothing!" "They must have known what this place was." But we don't know who they are, where the place is, why it was for nothing, or why they must have known what it was. Filling in these details will help to make the trailer seem less generic. The swimming shot at 2:05 just looks wrong. It screams "man in front of a green screen" whereas the rest of your tailer has a rather nice look to it. Finally, what is the connecting between the characters? Are all just crew or are some of them more personally connected. If there is a boy-girl love connection, I'd like to see those two characters kissing or something so that later on I can feel the emotional weight of "my partner is in danger."

David Easton

Hi Preston and Boomer. Thank you both so much for you feedback. I do agree with your thoughts 100%. The Trailers purpose is to really add some visual dimension as we pitch the script about. It was made very much on a shoe string but is working to convey a feel and is certainly driving people to get in touch with us. I look forward to re making it with $80 million lol Again thanks so much for your interest.

Steve Scifi

My thoughts. Hope they help. The pacing of the piece builds nicely to a crescendo. At first the dialogue felt a little stiff, but then the characters started to become more real to me as the drama unfolded. You might want to reduce the length of the opening conversation. The overall production was pretty good. (CG for the doors I presume). The only other thing I'd improve upon is the Fanatic title. It looks like an out of the box no effort title. The expanding text used elsewhere looks better for example. Good luck with the Film man.

David Easton

Hi Steve. Thanks for your feedback. The tunnel doors are in fact real (apart from any screen elements you see) we built a 20 foot set! it was quite an experience trying to make something quite complex and challenging with £1500. Biggest challenge of course is no locations exist. We will look into the title. Cheers

Steve Scifi

Wow! I wasn't sure. It integrated so seamlessly so it looked real, I just assumed you wouldn't build the set due to cost. Well done! It certainly adds to credibility. My comments are designed to help you with 100% credibility, so I'd hate for the titles to detract from the rest of the Trailer which works well. I'll follow your progress, cheers.

David Easton

Some careful buying of cls and we used plasterboard which was alot cheaper and great local support gave us somewhere to build it and film it. We managed to also get an Airbus flight simulator for very friendly rates for the space craft internals. Mix of green screen and projected footage worked well I think. Amazing what you can get if you look pathetic and ask very politely!

Steve Scifi

Nicely done on the flight sim. I was going to say surely for a Sci Fi set in space green screening it is a must!

Chad Descoteaux

This is awesome. Excellent job.

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