Screenwriting : Are there time travel tropes you really dislike? by Evelien And Dorien Twins

Evelien And Dorien Twins

Are there time travel tropes you really dislike?

The time travel story has been pretty popular in most recent years with "Timeless" (NBC)and "Travelers" (CBC/Netflix) to name a few, but are there tropes you absolutely cannot stand or dislike as writers, and why?

Bill Costantini

Tropes are natural tools in the continuum of storytelling. I don't have anything against a trope. If the last generation liked time travel films with certain plot points and devices, and if the current generation likes time travel films with those same plot points and devices, it would probably make sense that the next generation will, too.

So there's nothing wrong with the concept of "trope" to me. There might be films that wouldn't appeal to me that utilize any named trope in any genre, though, but probably for other reasons.

Best continued fortunes to you, V. Twins!

Evelien And Dorien Twins

Nothing wrong with the concept, however there are many, for instance horror tropes that do annoy us or that we feel make for lazy scenes.

Bill Costantini

Using a specific horror trope, then: Young People in a Cabin in the Woods.

My appreciation of the film would be based on the characters and how the story progresses, even if I probably can surmise that, by the end, some will die, and some won't. Every film has its own final judgement based on the characters and how the story progresses - at least to me. And I say that with no disrespect to you - we all have own feelings and beliefs about what we ultimately like and don't like in a a piece of art.

Evelien And Dorien Twins

No disrespect felt or taken, Bill.

Peter Roach

Damn, Bill that harsh. *smile. I promised never ever to write a Kill the Teens in a Cabin in the Woods. Some folks like them. But I would get bored. They make money, so I accept being on the wrong side of the aisle.

Timeless I vowed never to watch because I watched "Ministry of Time" the original in Spanish. Ministry was ssooooo Spanish that there was no dubbing that would “fix” it for the American market. If you did not have a better than average knowledge of Spanish history you would be lost.

Every trope has market. Every market has $$ attached.

I am not a fan of horror movies. I was challenged to write one to expand my scope. I did; just added my own style.

Discovery Channel has millions of women watching how to commit murder. Discovery can count the moolah. Whether we like a trope matters not. There is a market, there are profits.

William Gunn

Time Travel Stories are a-Dime-a-Dozen. Just watch out for the Paradoxes. Some viewers are REALLY Picky when it comes to things like that. And you can't gloss over them by using 'Handwavium' Technology. Trust me on this. Or Nanotechnology, either.

Bill Costantini

Peter: if someone said to me "Here's a million bucks. Here's the cabin. Here are the teens. The killer must kill the Jerk Jock at the 30-minute mark; The Stoner at the 45-minute mark; The Alpha Female at the 60-minute mark; The Wholesome Male at the 75-minute mark; The Last Girl at the 85-minute mark; and appear to be killed at the 90-minute mark by The Resurrected Stoner, but we see his hand move at the end..... I'd be all-in; would make those tropes memorable; would make those trope characters memorable and three-dimensional; would make a great film for its intended audience, and with some unexpected twists; and would be licking my lips to do that.

Cherie Grant

that the 1950s were some sweet innocent American dream. imagine subverting that shit. i would.

William Gunn

Want to co-write it, Bill? I'm willing if you are.

William Gunn

The HAPPY DAZE Weren't! It's All Nostalgic Crap!

Bill Costantini

William: I appreciate the offer, but I'm already working on two low-budget supernatural horror films that are based on documented true stories with my partner.

Best fortunes to you!

William Gunn

Of course we ARE traveling through Time - One Second/Second. And according to Big Al E. the only way to change that is to go really, really FAST. (And then some.) And the latest thought (I Think - LOL) is that Chronitons do exist.

William Gunn

As Big Al E Wrote, "Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one: - Smart Fellow that Al!

Roman BRuni

we don't watch a genre for its tropes... although those make us be sure we are watching the right genrre show

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