Screenwriting : Best Way To Get a Lit Agent? by Scot Michael Walker

Scot Michael Walker

Best Way To Get a Lit Agent?

I posted this question a few months ago and I received no answers relating to the question I posted so I'm giving this another shot. :) I have a feature comedy screenplay completed and I'm writing several others. I need a lit agent or producer agent or manager. My goal is to get funding and write/direct these features. I've written/produced/directed one feature and it has distribution. I paid for it myself and I can't do that anymore. So I need someone to help me get funding. My current comedy, 420 Taco, can be shot for $250K in the Dallas area, where I live, with B-list talent. I broke it down. If anyone has names of agencies that take unsolicited submissions, that would be a big help. Any info at all would be fantastic! Thank you so much!

Scot Michael Walker

Wow, there are a lot of bitter people on this web site. Yes, I have had coverage and notes. I have won screenwriting contests. In fact, I won the Gold Prize for Comedy at the Hollywood Screenplay Contest that you were a finalist in. I've won at the Beverly Hills Film Festival too. And my finished films and shorts and web series and music videos have won at several other film festivals. If you don't have anything positive to contribute to other people's questions on this site, keep it to your self, bud.

Dilip Mistry

Scott good luck mate...not all are bitter...some are optimists and dreamers like me...who feel that KARMA means all the good you do and wish for people will come back to you. You have done a lot of work Scot and Im sure if you keep trying you will get your break that I am sure of

Dan MaxXx

Here is what I would do if I believed in my project and wanted to Direct: I would use my Roledex of famous Industry people- actor, Agent, Producer - and have them VOUCH for me to BOSSES of production companies. Basically, cut the line in my favor. But there is a problem with your budget. $250K doesn't t get people excited one bit. You don't have enough $$$ to attract professional Talent and Crew. Budget is too small. $250K - if that is a realistic budget- is really $200K pre and production. Raise the $200K yourself. Sell car or house, credit card, crowdfunding. Shoot on weekends while working day job. Piece meal the movie. Work with a good core team. Backers. Track Ryan Coogler. How did he go from student filmmaker to $1mil Fruitvale station to Creed to $200mil Black Panther? Track other Directors and follow their path Best of Luck! Do it yourself. Agents will come around when you finish a movie.

Bill Costantini

Here is the link to the Hollywood Signatory Agents List on the WGA web site. Do note that "virtually no agent accepts unsolicited material", but each agency has its own submission policy. Your past credentials may help you get a foot in the door! Good luck, Scot!

Erik Grossman

I would be remiss if I didn't mention that we host pitch session with lit managers and the like. JUST SAYIN'

Dan Guardino

A.S. You might try clicking on someone's name before start asking the person questions.

Dan Guardino

I don't know the best way to get an agent but I got mine by calling from a WGA list.

Scot Michael Walker

Thanks for the words of encouragement, folks. Thanks, Dan Guardino. I'll look at the WGA list and start calling! Thank you! Dan MaxXx, $250K is very doable outside of Los Angeles. That's with a $4K day rate for b-list talent and professional crew with an 8K RED camera too. I've already shot and funded a feature and it won some awards. I've done a couple shorts too and won awards. I can't fund another feature without getting a divorce! Ha. Would I like to do a Mudd or Way Way Back $3 million budget movie with A-list talent. Of course! And I believe I have scripts on that level. I just need an agent or manager! :) Thanks, everyone. Good fortune to you too!

Dan Guardino

Scot that is a pretty low budget film. I am trying to raise money to raise money and have a WGA agent and a few A- Actors so if you want to send me some information maybe I can help you.

Al Hibbert

Get to know some rich people. It sounds like you've got something great.

Dan Guardino

A.S. It doesn't take a lot of digging. All you have to do is click on the person's picture.

William Martell


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