Screenwriting : Early Bird Or Night Owl? by Rose Drabble

Rose Drabble

Early Bird Or Night Owl?

Discussion time: are you an early bird or night owl kind of writer?

I look forward to hearing about everyone's writing habits!

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Kind Regards,


Beth Fox Heisinger

I tend to carve out a couple of hours during the day or write whenever I can. ;) And, Rosie, just a friendly reminder... self-promotion is preferred to be kept out of the craft and business forums. You certainly may promote your services in Your Stage. Oh, and perhaps add a profile picture. Members often prefer to see to whom they are communicating. ;) Best to you!

John Bradley

I'm a night owl. I've tried to switch to an early bird, but that doesn't work as well for me. 12am-3am is when I do my best writing.

Lisa Clemens

At night, all night!

Craig D Griffiths

Hey editor (I'll throw you a new script soon). Whenever and wherever I can. I have a very mobile workflow.

David E. Gates

I used to think I could only write at night, but since found out if I sit at any time and just start writing the issue becomes how to stop!

Rose Drabble

David E. Gates I used to be much the same, thinking that only a certain time suited me creatively. I now tend to force myself to write each day. I feel the more you write, the easier it becomes to keep on going.

Rose Drabble

Hi @Craig D Griffiths, great stuff! And good to hear that you're able to write so freely. Writing, like most things, is just habit. Personally I feel the more you write the more flexible the time when you can write becomes.

Rose Drabble

Brilliant Liza, good to hear you've got a time that works for you!

Rose Drabble

Cheers Beth, and apologies. Though I've been on Stage 32 for a few months now I'm still trying to get my head wrapped around things. I'll bear it in mind when making future posts.

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