I know I'm not alone in my love for this style of TV Movie. I use the term "original" loosely as I'm well aware that these films are formulaic, however, they are original because they're not a franchise or another frigging reboot.
Full disclosure: I am in the likely targeted demographic of a 40 year old (shhh, you're the first people I've admitted this to) casserole cookin', small town mom.
I tune in because I know they're going to end the way I want them to all wrapped up in a neat little ribbon and a predictable kiss. I like that they're not filled with smut so I don't have to wait for the kids to go to bed to enjoy them (they're older now, but that's what drew me in a few years ago). I like the cute quirky characters, the fish out of water or the grump who turns soft.
And yes, basically how many ways can you tell the same story? But if you deconstruct even the most epic of films, it all boils down to a simple formula in my opinion.
TELL ME what you love about them and why you think they're so popular. Go!
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It's the stomach flip of first love, or newly in love. Most people need to relive that breathtaking first kiss. You know the one that makes your heart race with anticipation as lips draw closer. The sadness of the first fight, the elation of the couple's reunion.
Half my scripts are formulaic, what my human calls "predictable". I consider timeless, and much needed in the age of uncertainty and negativity. When I write those scripts I keep my parents in mind. Will they watch it without cringing? Not everyone likes the smut, the language, and that's okay.
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Interesting thoughts, Cannon. Hallmark movies relax. Nothing in them will upset you and they work better than features because the writers aren't pressured to reinvent movie making to forcefully create a buzz.
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I was working on my Hallmark style Christmas script, but now with the pandemic, not sure how to proceed, particularly scenes with people that need to be closer than six feet, e.g., should I include a town holiday event, or not? Are such days over? Will they still exist -but very different from what we are/were used to? Sigh.
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Jacqueline Hicks Absolutely keep going! Even if gathering protocols change, the fantasy of movies will always exist. Write it as you see it!
CJ Walley Well, CJ....HOW MUCH? :-)
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Jacqueline Hicks, I looked it up and the figures I saw were 50K-60K a script,.Not sure how accurate those figures are, but they look pretty darn good to me :-)
According to its website, Hallmark doesn't take any unsolicited material.
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Ellis Barrowman, those figures are accurate. They are well known for paying people well across the board. There are writers here getting their work into Hallmark but you've got to go through a producer they work with, via a production company they use, or build up a close relationship with an exec. Lots of people want those gigs.
This article brilliantly explains why they are so popular.... Read on... https://www.salon.com/2019/12/25/hallmark-christmas-movies-fascist-propa...