Screenwriting : How I knew I wanted to become a writer!! by Gavin D Walsh

Gavin D Walsh

How I knew I wanted to become a writer!!

Forgive me if this is a pointless post nobody is interested in. I just felt compelled to tell a little story, and hope that some will join me and share theirs. If I'm totally honest, my first ambition/dream was to be an actor, but I didn't possess the self confidence in front of a group of people. Give me a mirror alone in my room as a kid, and I was Oscar material lol. Anyway, moving on..... Growing up I used to have scrap book after scrap book bulging with short stories, poems, and even song lyrics. I must have had over a thousand of each, but again, I didn't believe they were any good and sadly didn't keep them. I used to buy 'The Stage' paper every time a new issue was released. I'd flick through all the upcoming auditions and wish I had the self belief and confidence to go audition. The main one that springs to mind now was, 'The King and I'. I soooo wanted to audition for that lol. So while being constantly told it was an almost impossible industry to break in to, as well as my own inner issues with regard to my own self belief, I decided I was going to try and forget about what I was passionate about, and try and concentrate on building a different career. College wasn't an option back then for family reasons I won't go in to. So you can imagine how much this has eaten away at me all these years. Then, in 2010, I was involved in a near fatal car accident. I had to have my right side and pelvis rebuilt with titanium. I had 5 different injuries that could have killed me separately, and I had them all at the same time. I'm not going to go in to all the gory details and bore you. I spent two months in hospital, which included having to learn to walk again. This gave me plenty of time to reflect on my life, and lack of achievement I'd made. The following few years were going to be tough as far as earning a living goes, with not being able to do usual manual work or heavy lifting etc. It made me wonder.... What if I'd pursued this passion from the start? I know I wouldn't have been able to avoid what happened, but maybe I would have already been earning a livable income from my writing by then... This, along with my 'second chance', persuaded me to spend the next few years doing a degree in the Creative Industries. There was no way I was going to spend it at home on the sick, that's for sure. I won't go in depth too much from here on in, but two massive achievements for me during this time were: My screenwriting lecturer telling me I should redraft my final screenplays, so they were the right length for TV, and then send them to the BBC and ITV to see if I could get them commissioned. This was a massive compliment and boost for me. I haven't actually done this yet, though. I am going to go back to them at a later date. Movies is what I'm more interested in at this stage. The second achievement was to receive an award from the college itself. This was because I took over and completed a project that was outside of my degree coursework. The project was a documentary to be submitted to the welsh assembly to aid with their 'pitch' if you like, for funding to build a new facility on the campus to house blind and partially blind students, that would otherwise have to stay away from their families while they studied. I did a lot of the filming, all of the directing, the producing (which wasn't difficult for this project) and also all of the editing. The film was eventually shown at universities and colleges throughout the country. I guess my point to this story is - If you're passionate about something - NEVER GIVE UP. You will never know what you could potentially achieve unless you try. You may deny yourself the opportunity, and others the pleasure of seeing what you can do, should something tragic happen, as nearly happened to me. I know my grammar is not on point all of the time, and I know I will need help with this kind of thing along my journey. But I know I am a good story machine, and will continue to dream them up for the rest of the time I have left on this planet. Thanks for reading. I hope I didn't bore you too much. But most of all, I hope it made sense, I am a very tired soul tonight :))

Beth Fox Heisinger

Never a bore, Gavin! What you are is an inspiration. Life certainly hands us challenges. Most can't even imagine what you have been through. Congratulations on your achievements! I wish you much much more! Welcome to Stage 32. We're happy to have you here. :)

Beth Fox Heisinger

Oh, another one of our members, Annaliese Morgan, has had a similar life experience. Perhaps hers would be of interest to you. :) She contributed as a guest on the Stage 32 Blog;

Cherie Grant

Yeah I came to writing through acting. I wanted to be an actor, but lacked confidence and a look that could sell. I think I have more of a chance of making a living with writing words than speaking words.

Gavin D Walsh

Thanks for the comments everyone :) and thank you for saying that, Beth. I really appreciate that. If I don't try now, I'll never ever know. I'll take a good look at that link later on today :) Hope you all have a great day.

C.m. Andino

My story is very similar. I wanted to act. I believe I had the talent and confidence, but when I told my parents that's what I wanted to do they refused to pay for college. After floundering for about a year I ended up giving up before I even began and got married. I put my dreams in the closet and didn't act, or write, or even go to the movie theater for almost ten years. What finally jarred me from my zombie-like state wasn't so dramatic as a car crash. I simply woke up one day and realized I was going to be thirty and I was anything but happy. If I didn't have a husband and four kids I'd probably have hightailed it to L.A. and be living in my car, eating ramen noodles every night, all in pursuit of the dream. The acting ship has sailed, but writing is something I've always enjoyed and been good at. Now we'll see if it pays off.

Gavin D Walsh

Thank you for your comment, C.m. Andino. I have never been content with the mainstream 9-5 job. I've always felt like something is missing from my life, and I've always known what that is. I think I was born at the wrong time, and in the wrong country. I wish I'd been born in the land of opportunity. I've struggled the majority of my life, and I now believe it may be because something is telling me I wasn't doing what I was put on this earth to do. So here I am, giving this the shot I should have given it 20 years or so ago. I also hope it pays off, and I hope it pays off for you, too.

Gavin D Walsh

Hey, Fiona. I haven't thought about that if I'm honest. Although another of my friends on here has pointed in that direction recently. But thank you for your comment :)

Maria Torrez- Ellsperman

Great story. Mine is short. When our High School English Teacher went around asking every one want they wanted to do as a career. Well it was my turn. I said I was gonna be a writer. The class laughed. I didn't see the joke.

Maria Torrez- Ellsperman

I was kinda a bad girl too. There's nothing wrong with that. I think that's why I ended up at a private school my junior and senior year. LOL

Gavin D Walsh

I think I'll upload a few pages from my second draft just for a little feedback. I know it's way off the mark at this point. But it may be beneficial for future drafts.

Tao R.M.

That's good you've discovered what you want to do. After I read your story, I thought you might find this inspiring. I did because it taught me about writing from the heart. How Guillermo Arriaga wrote "21 GRAMS":

Gavin D Walsh

Thank you, Tao. I will take a look at that :)

Gavin D Walsh

I get ideas from all kinds of scenarios, too, Tao. On a daily basis, lol. I am constantly writing them down. Hopefully one day I will turn them all into screenplays :)

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