I come from Poland, where most of the people believe, that if you are writer, you must be born with a pen in one hand and paper in another, reciting poems or prose to a shocked midwife. Obviously, this is not true. When I was growing up, I could count on my fingers the number of books on creative writing in my country. So to learn the craft, I had to reinvent the wheel. It was a painful path. If I had that time access to all these thousands of books, which I have access now - after learning English language, and all these teachers... Well, let's leave the past and focus on presence. I decided recently to stop reinventing the wheel and other "discoveries". I am going to learn from more experienced people. W. Buffet said once, that the best investment is in your own skills. I found Stage32 services and workshops very stimulating. I done before many on-demand classes, but the feedback on my writing is even more precious. So - this is a new path. I put myself again in the position of a student. Not only in the writing area - we can do shortcuts in almost every area of life, by studying books and attending classes. I decided to make 2022 my "studying year". Thanks to the writing lab with Thomas Pemberton I will have written feature dark comedy script, thanks to workshop with Spencer Robinson I will have completed TV pilot. After one hour chat with Will McCance I see now clearly, where is my writing North Star - which projects to work on and how many of them to complete. I am very thankful for all advice, feedback and comments. No more reinventing things, which I can learn.
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Read screenplays (a lot). Write screenplays and be willing to throw them away. They are for practice.
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Katarzyna Adamus great work! Embracing all those challenges empowers you and it's very exciting to hear of your terrific momentum. Enjoy!
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You can't really speed up the process.
You can focus your energy on writing and not waste time.
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I'd say turn to place you have connections to. Poland? So be it...fastest way to have someone read/consider your material is friendship/previous collaborations.
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You're obviously open to learning from others with experience and success. That's key! You're doing great.
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Thanks so much for sharing Katarzyna Adamus! I am so glad that you found our community and have been making full use of the resources. I am so glad that we're connected - and you have my email! j.mirch@stage32.com - reach out any time!