Idris Elba is an incredible actor. There's no denying it. But it was lovely to hear him mention in his speech to Parliment (link listed below) just how important it is for writers to come up with more diverse roles and stories to reflect the reality of the world we live in. As a female and an ethnic minority screenwriter, I appreciate his idea of "diversity of thought". Diversity of thought - getting out of the box or smashing it all together as he suggests - will help open doors in ways we cannot imagine. And the art that comes through when those doors are opened, can impact the world we live in immensely. Now, he does state that America has a greater level of diversity on screen and behind the camera than the United Kingdom currently does. How accurate do you think this is? Link to Idris Elba's address to Parliment:
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As a screenwriter born in one of the greatest cities in the world for diversity, I completely agree with Mr. Elba. What can gained by more open doors in Cinema. Film can be the great equalizer to a better understanding of our own collective humanity. Diversity is fine. But, finding more about what makes us the same instead of what makes us different will bring more peace to our troubled world. People will always be afraid of what they don't understand. Cinema can bring that understanding.
Yes! That's a huge motivator for me in my work: to show different points of view so that we can all find areas to relate. Though a story I write may, on the surface, reflect the experience of an individual or a select group, what I hope to put across is a larger piece of the human experience to promote empathy.
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Going strictly on visual evidence, most so-called diversity in TV or cinema is simply tossing in a few token characters of contrasting race or gender, mostly for the purpose of virtue signaling to proactively deflect charges of racism or sexism. Till very recently, gays were used in a similar way. In an otherwise all-white cast, the tokens are 95% black or so-called Hispanic. That there might exist other recognizable racial types never seems to occur to casting directors. The sequel to Independence Day has two Chinese characters, one of whom is immediately killed off; the other has very few lines. Some whisper that their very presence was due only to China money in the production. Here in the PNW there is a huge relative population of Asian heritage; where are they in visual media? And the younger set here is offended when old folk start railing about racial diversity. To the under-20s, integration & diversity is a done deal, so it's like, shut up & let's talk about something else. One would think TV and movie producers would get with it. In screenwriting, a particular race or sex can be written in, but the showrunners & moviemakers will often do as they please.
@A.S. Token characters are often stereotyped characters as well, I've found. Do you think more, pressure, for lack of a better word, should be put on execs to promote diversity/inclusion? I would suggest it's also in the hands of the consumer but even then, phenomenal white artists deserve to be praised for their work as much as people of color, people of different orientation, disability, etc. So not going to see a film because of it's predominantly "straight and narrow" production as a form of protest could be counterproductive in trying to use the medium as a unifier.
@A. S. I didn't mean unifier as a heavy handed sort of thing. I meant it in the way that film can be and should be for everyone in the same way music crosses divides both literal and figurative.
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CONFESSION: I started to watch this partly because I care so so so so much about diversity (it has been a theme my entire life) but mostly because I have an enormous celebrity crush on Idris Elba. However, half way through I had chills and was moved beyond expectation. I can't tell you how much I appreciate you for sharing it! Diversity of thought, imagination. Love it!