If you were on a deserted island, who is the screenwriter you would pick to be there with you? And you don't get to pick a survivalist or boat builder. Just a another writer. I'd have to go with William Goldman. I'd love to discuss The Great Waldo Pepper with him.
Can they be living or dead? (Goldman's old enough he'd probably die out there in a week.)
Eric: LOL
Nora Ephron. We would literally die laughing! (if she weren't already gone.)
There's several, but hard to argue William Goldman, who I've often proclaimed is arguably the greatest screenwriter of all-time. HUGE fan - and I love Adventures in the Screen Trade - a great read.
Courtney: Nora was great and gone too damn soon.
Quentin Tarantino or Woody Allen, as much as I admire their work, their personalities are such that I think I'd feed myself to the sharks in short order. I'll go with Charlie Kaufman because I'm pretty sure I could take him in a fight for that last coconut.
Francis Ford Coppola would be an absolute fave and the ever loved Martin Scorsese. But I would also add Tim Burton in there along with Brian DePalma
Quentin Taratino or James Cameron, i just love how they think.
Oliver Stone
Owen: Yeah, Stone really went off the reservation on JFK. I read a great website years back debunking the movie and proving Jim Garrison was a bit of a wacko. I really hated the Doors. Yikes, they should have just stuck to Hopkins and Sugarmans No One Gets Out of Here Alive and they would have made a better movie. My favorite Stone movie is Salvador, largely because James Woods eats up the landscape. Very entertaining movie.
It's hard to pin it down to just one. Goldman, Stone, Cameron, Whedon. They all bring something different to the table that interests me. But, if I had to pick one...probably Goldman. The Princess Bride always has me rewatching it and discovering something new.
Brian Koppelman
I would go with one who understands the mythic structure.