Screenwriting : Is there room for newbies in this field by Patrick Charlie Oketch

Patrick Charlie Oketch

Is there room for newbies in this field

What does it take break the glass ceiling

Dan MaxXx

Of course there is. Everybody wants to discover and work with the next big thing. It s show bizness. Ryan Coogler, Justin Lin, Spike Lee, Shonda Rhimes, Tarantino, Sorkin.. They were all Newbies

Patrick Charlie Oketch

Thank you Dan MaxXx , it is so encouraging to hear that

Erik Grossman

Hey Patrick! It takes patience and tenacity. It also takes a thick skin... you're going to get rejected a LOT (like... a LOT). No matter how many times it's said, newer writer's tend to still be surprised when it happens. It WILL happen, but take comfort in knowing that it happens to everyone, even the most established writers still face rejection of their material. It's part of the process lol.

Shawn Speake

That's what we're here for, Patrick :) I believe the two factors that determine our destiny are our level of craft and our demonstration - being good in a room. Become a Master ScreenWriter and Storyteller....

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