Screenwriting : Female character cheats on husband and gets pregnant. Redeemable? by Zorrawa Jefferson

Zorrawa Jefferson

Female character cheats on husband and gets pregnant. Redeemable?

So, I'm writing a story about a  25 years old man named Takashi and his wife Selena. Selena is outgoing, social and the life of the party. She's a hard worker and the breadwinner of the family. Takashi is more quiet and reserved. He's kind, soft spoken, does things around the house and leaves most of the money making to his wife. For the most part they have a great relationship but Takashi never pleases Selena in bed. Once he climaxes, he goes to sleep. 

Unfortunately, this causes Selena to go out and cheat. She has intercourse with a man who's half human and half wolf. She ends up pregnant with a baby boy who's half human and half wolf. Takashi knows that Selena cheated because the baby acts animal like. He's horrified but doesn't know how to confront her about this. It's heavily implied that the baby is going to have a identity crisis.

So, basically Selena cheats on her husband, gets pregnant and tries to pass the baby off as Takashi's even though it's painfully obvious the baby isn't even fully human. These actions are horrible and I'm wondering am I on the right track for redeeming Selena for being a cheater? What do you guys think 

Bill Albert

Sounds like a tough road. Good luck.

Craig D Griffiths

Yep. My friend and his sister. His sister was the result of an affair. The parents never divorced and they both saw the husband as dad.

Debbie Croysdale

I feel Selena is redeemable cos of her backstory. A life of frustration and paying the bills is pretty shitty & reader has empathy.

Wal Friman

Socially incompetence behavior. The half animal child or theirs is a good fit into your story world. I'd love this if they're dumb and laugh all pain away. Logline test:

A socially incompetent and low IQ-couple bond deeply through their illegitimate child that is half wolf and determined to eat them alive.

Dan MaxXx

Im confused of the tone & genre.

Martin Reese

Virtually any character can have a redemption arc. The challenge is how do you make it so the audience actually cares? The issue you are exploring isn't black and white. This is a perfect example where you may need to write up some character background. Why are they they way they are. Humans are complicated.

Pidge Jobst

Relationship harmony and cheating redemption is oh-so common in screenwriting land. However, a wife having a one-night stand affair with a werewolf or wolf half-breed and giving birth to a wolf-child (protagonist) is a spectacular hook! Oh, the possibilities.

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