Screenwriting : My Script was requested! by Victor Dobbins

Victor Dobbins

My Script was requested!

My Script was requested by Marc Platt Productions - I am wondering if any knows how long they normally take to evaluate a Script.

Danny Manus

every company will differ, but give it at least 3 weeks before following up. 4 weeks if they requested it thru an out of the box way like VPF or script hosting sites.

Victor Dobbins

Thanks for a quick answer, Alle and Danny!

William Martell

Congratulations, I've paid to see many films they've made.

Lynn P. H. Adrian I saw this helpful article on feedback. Trottier and Seger take about two weeks. Best of luck!

Danny Manus

Trottier and Sever are Not producers. they are consultants. and they don't work at studios or as execs.

Landon J. Morrell

Okay. your script was requested...fantastic! Good for you! Don't stop writing!

Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"

Normally about three/four weeks is a good rule of thumb. But I've had people take as long as three months.

Lynn P. H. Adrian

My bad, for some reason I was thinking that Victor was looking for coverage before submission. Duh.

Lisa Eismen

Hey that's great news! How did you promote your script for Marc Platt Prod to look at it?

Victor Dobbins

@Lisa - I pitched it on Stage32.

Pj McIlvaine

My experience--not hearing back is your answer.

Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"

PJ: More often than not.

Ami Brown

Great job!

Janet Scott

Good one Victor, hope you hear back soon ...

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