Screenwriting : New Here & Looking For Webinar Recommendations... by Carlos Tovar

Carlos Tovar

New Here & Looking For Webinar Recommendations...

New here and looking forward to checking out some of the webinars and meeting a few new creatives. Any recommendations on webinars you found helpful (speaking to screenwriters, specifically)?

Carlos Tovar

Thanks, Jim!

Beth Fox Heisinger

Hi Carlos. Welcome to Stage 32. :) It really depends on what you are looking for; what you hope to achieve. Many, if not all the webinars are great, very helpful. Personally, I took Conrad Sun and Max Adams' webinars, but I did so because I was after a certain tidbit of information as their topics touched aspects of projects that I'm currently working on. I recommend reading webinar descriptions, member reviews and watch video previews before deciding if one would be helpful to you. The Next Level Classes are great as well! I hope that helps! :)

Carlos Tovar

Thanks, Beth! I found some that are interesting and a couple that I will most likely purchase. Have you ever come across any where the feedback/review is not viewable? Is there a certain "level" you have to be at to be able view those?

Beth Fox Heisinger

You're welcome, Carlos. No, I haven't, and not that I'm aware. Perhaps some webinars just don't happen to have member commentary? Each webinar has much information on its page. There's a menu bar underneath the video: What You'll Learn, Webinar Summary, Who Should Attend, About Your Instructor, FAQs. But if you have additional questions about a webinar or class, look towards the bottom of any posted webinar and you'll see a question box to send questions to Amanda Toney—she's the Stage 32 Education Coordinator as well as the Stage 32 Managing Director. :)

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