Screenwriting : Next Project plus Reading Opportunity by Adam Harper

Adam Harper

Next Project plus Reading Opportunity

Hi everyone, I've not been vocal on here for a while - I've been lurking on the periphery. I'm about to embark on my next project, I have ideas at various stages but I'd like a little feedback to gauge what idea should be given more focus.

So, I've posted some loglines on here and would love your feedback on them.

Further to that, I've been out of practice with reading scripts and would love to read and give feedback on people's work. I'm looking for work that you feel is at a stage ready to be read by others - I'm not looking for first drafts. I'll be constructive but also honest so please make sure it's your best effort. This is free, please private message me and I'll happily share my email address with you.

Happy writing everyone :-)

Sam King

Hey Adam, would you be willing to provide a synopsis on each one?

Adam Harper

Hi Sam, they're at different stages. I almost have the synopsis completed for two of them, the others are just loglines (and loose ideas floating around my brain) right now

Cannon Rosenau

I like the Brewmaster one, but maybe change the word "reprobates" because I had to look it up. Maybe that's my Amercan-ness but in my defense I do subscribe to the word of the day emails ;) I'm not even sure if this is the feedback you meant. I'm new to Stage32 - signed up for a Rom-com webinar but having fun checking it all out and commiserating with my fellow writers. Good luck!

Craig D Griffiths

I have commented on your loglines. They are good.

T.L. Davis

I trust Craig on that

Craig D Griffiths

Thank TL

Adam Harper

Thank you everyone! I knew Stage 32 wouldn't let me down. Lots to think about which is what I wanted :-)

Doug Nelson

This is just my personal opinion only: Cloudrunners, pass; The Diamond Star, pass (I think the timing is wrong); The Union - pass; Truth Cannon - maybe (could be a strong short skit.)

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