Screenwriting : Our Stage 32 Grown Up Movies Contest Winner Update: Kelly Anelons and Megan Anelons by Amanda Toney

Amanda Toney

Our Stage 32 Grown Up Movies Contest Winner Update: Kelly Anelons and Megan Anelons

Hot off the presses! Our Stage 32 Contest Coordinator Pat Alexander gives us the update from our 2nd Annual Grown Up Movies contest winners - a dynamic mother daughter writing duo Kelly Anelons and Megan Anelons who wrote an awesome script BEST LAID PLANS! We can’t wait to get you out on the town on meetings! As with all Stage 32 screenwriting contests, we go to work for you! We've had dozens of our winners signed, sold, optioned and even produced! Find out more here: and check out some of our success stories here:

Maurice Vaughan

Hope Kelly and Megan sell their script! Thanks for the update, Pat. Thanks for sharing, Amanda Toney.

Sam Sokolow

How awesome - way to go Kelly & Megan!! Wishing you both huge success on your meetings and with BEST LAID PLANS (what a great title).

Pat Alexander

Hey that's me! One of the best things is connecting our winners with a whole lot of executives - producers, development execs, agents, and managers - to get out there, network 1-on-1 (or 2-on-1), and pitch their stories. Always so fun to set writers up and send them on their way! I feel like the dockmaster watching ships sail out from my harbor :)

Amanda Toney

You are officially Captain Dockmaster Pat!

Mark Deuce

Thank you for the update Amanda Toney

Ashley Renee Smith

Amazing!! Congratulations Kelly and Megan!

Sandra Isabel Correia

It’s so good! Congratulations Megan and Kelly Anelons and now crossing fingers for success in your journey :))

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