Screenwriting : Pitch Deck or Lookbook by Michael L. Mizrahi

Michael L. Mizrahi

Pitch Deck or Lookbook

What's the difference?

Christopher Phillips

A lookbook is just a series of photo that show the tone or mood of a movie. A pitch deck includes text information on the characters, synopsis of the story, some information on potential actors, financial and box office information.

Craig D Griffiths

For me.

A pitch deck supports your sales pitch. A look book gives people an idea of the look of the film.

I have an alternate universe drama/thriller. The pitch deck would focus on the story. The look book would contain pictures of 50’s Russia and the industry feel that a lot of the images had. Pictures of people in uniform entering a factory. A grey and monochrome world, thin over worked people.

That is the look and feel of “Love, Money, Bombs”.

Michael L. Mizrahi

Great, so I have a pitch deck after all ;^)

Bill Albert

Me, too. Called it a Look Book but it's actually a Pitch Deck.

Michael L. Mizrahi

Hey folks, I must share this. I found an amazing way to pimp out my pitch deck. It's free too. This is not spam or promotion . I think this needs to be shared with my fellows.

Doreene Hamilton

Excellent deck!

Ewan Dunbar

A pitch deck is a summary of your project (logline, synopsis, world, tone, themes, characters, arcs etc.) which can have supporting images and the like, while a lookbook tends to be just a visual accompaniment.

Richard "RB" Botto

What Ewan said.

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