Screenwriting : Poster creation by Huss Rasit

Huss Rasit

Poster creation

Hi all not sure where to post this. I'm ready to post some of my screenplays to Script Revolution but everyone seems to have these snazzy posters and now that makes me want one.

Can anybody recommend a designer they have worked with? I have tried a couple off fiverr before and wasn't too impressed.

Kiril Maksimoski

Not necessity....for me even pretentious. If you have good script someone will pick it up regardless of poster or not...writer should the author of the story and that's director is the author of the movie, actor is the author of the role, producer is the author of money etc...

CJ Walley

Industry members love the posters. Same way we love movie posters and book covers and album covers. I'm not saying it's right or wrong but that's the market behaviour in a world where there's far more supply than demand and people want to get an idea of tone in a split second.

I wouldn't call it pretentious. It's just smart. Like having a quality headshot and a good bio is smart. This is such a competitive industry and everything's shifting faster than we think.

But you absolutely don't need one though. The whole idea of Script Revolution is it provides lots of different ways to help promote scripts from reader favourites to meta data to prestigious awards to sheer popularity. Even with nearly 8,000 scripts in the database, there's plenty of ways to stand out to the right producer.

I wouldn't want anybody spending money they don't have because they thought it would make or break their chances.

My advice is you reach out to the Script Revolution members with the kind of posters you like and ask them who they use. I'm sure whoever is supplying them would appreciate the extra work during these tough times. I'd also consider expanding any search on Fiverr to include book cover designers as they'll likely have more customers and ratings.

Huss Rasit

Kiril Maksimoski you are totally right a good story should get noticed regardless. However I do think anything that can draw readers towards your work be it posters, social media or any other platform shouldn't be snuffed at.

CJ Walley thanks for the advice. I'm so happy to have come across Script Revolution. I was worried by the constant paywalls that seem to come up in the world of screenwriting & as a coder was thinking of developing something similar myself. Thankfully you have saved me the work! I'm just reading through your Turn & Burn which is excellent and already giving me ideas.

Next step is to get me a professional headshot!

CJ Walley

No worries, Huss Rasit. The cool thing is Kiril Maksimoski has proven a writer can find success on Script Revolution on story alone so I really respect that.

I see you're not far from me geographically. Hopefully I'll run into you one day, perhaps at something like Raindance at the Stage 32 meet and can buy you a drink. Makes me super happy to read the site and the guide is proving valuable to you.

Huss Rasit

If it's on this year I'll come down. Let me know which days you will be there.

Chris Todd

I used Canva to do my own for script revolution. Unclear how snazzy or successful it is, but it’s a free option and a pretty easy-to-use tool.

Debbie Croysdale

@Huss If you need a poster and have not yet found a designer why not do your own? Publisher tool is a package normally on windows desktops and is far from rocket science. (Child could do it) The ONLY thing that counts is that all photographs you download from your files are your copyright or copyright permission granted in advance. I recently sent scripts to Script Revolution and my posters were done by Publisher tool not because I did not have funds for designer, simply there were few designers available during Covid lockdown. The few designers I telephoned wanted excess fees because they were only ones working from home when a lot of businesses shut, so it was a needs must situation. @CJ Did not know you go to Raindance we stopped sponsoring them years back but I know the choice of pub is down to RB, if you and Huss are about this Autumn I will arrange hookup in one of the Stage 32 meetups. @All Keep on Writing!

CJ Walley

Yeah, I've been down to Raindance the last few years but only go to the Stage 32 short film screening and the meet up. It's my big blast of the year. RB, Amanda, and me always end up going to a speakeasy and then getting breakfast in the early hours. The more the merrier.

Sadly, it's not happening this year but all should be good for next Sept.

Huss Rasit

I got a bit giddy at the idea of having a poster designed so bit the bullet and chose someone off fiverr. I have the poster already and really like the look! Now I'm waiting on one piece of feedback and that will decide whether I share the script or go in for another round of rewrites.

Debbie Croysdale CJ Walley Look forward to catching you both at a future meetup.

Debbie Croysdale

@CJ COOL ....More than up for the Speakeasy and full english when roll out of the doors! Look forward to 09/21. @Huss hope to see you there!

Craig D Griffiths

I go to photo dune or pixel baby. No doubt there are heaps of places you can go and buy cheap art. Then into and editor and make a poster. Just buy big images, quality is important.

Jim Boston

Huss, I'm on Script Revolution, too. Because of SR, I started designing my own posters (they're up here on Stage 32 and on Network ISA as well). Went ahead a few months ago and downloaded GIMP as my poster-making tool...and having a ball with it.

Adite Banerjie

I normally get my book covers designed by someone on And she is terrific. For my promotions (for books), I do them myself on Lots of great royalty-free pix are available on And I quite enjoy the process of creating these.

CJ Walley

Here's another key art supplier

Script Revolution members can get 20% with them but they are studio level expensive.

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