I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice or lead me in the right direction as to how to write a scene that has news video archive footage? And to make it more complicated, to add actions of my characters intertwined with the archive footage. Please forgive if my question/articulation does not make sense. Thanks all.
Thanks Lisa, will do.
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It boils down to what you want. What is your vision. Keep it simple and clear. You could use INSERT ARCHIVE FOOTAGE or BEGIN ARCHIVE FOOTAGE then describe what we see in the action lines. If you start on your characters with a slugline first, you could then use BACK TO SCENE to return to your characters. You could also start the scene with INTERCUTTING BETWEEN... if it's not too long of a sequence. Personally, I prefer subheaders when bouncing back and forth, as it keeps it simple and clear. It's really no different that crosscutting or intercutting. There are no rules on how to do it. Write what you see and go from there.
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Thanks @Lisa M. I will research that. The good news is that it is very simple. It's not very complicated. Again thanks for the advice.