Screenwriting : The PERFECT SETUP by Tao R.M.

Tao R.M.


What is a perfect setup to you?

A story is a town -- a place, a ship with a name in a time, and in it is people/characters. The people are usually stupid and ignorant, unaware of the danger that stalks the town or lurks beyond its perimeter/border in the woods or unknown beyond the darkness. There is usually a man/woman (your story will be more interesting if you use a child instead of an adult) hero who is the only rational being that is aware of the danger or feels that there is something wrong with the town/world he/she lives in, but the people shun/frown upon him until somebody in the townsfolk is murdered/eaten or goes missing and puts the people in fear, and only the hero can rid of this menace/monster/problem. 

And that’s Act 1/the setup.

What is your perfect setup? Share below.

Jenny Masterton

I think there's waaay more to the setup, like setting up the theme, the journey to the new world and so on:

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