Premium pilot or feature 2 page consulting for reason we get to choose own executive. Prior research is vital on who exactly to submit your full script to. I've limited stories set in USA but their expertise, non judgmental criticisms and what they "did "like helped me to move scripts on in Europe.
Art Wasem - I would suggest never getting written notes from an executive but rather doing a live call with an executive, you send them your entire script, and then you can talk and brainstorm with them about your script! Best of Luck!
Maurice Vaughan I would suggest you NOT spend money from an industry reader simply because you yourself are in the industry and technically an industry reader yourself. I have had major problems with Stage 32's so-called industry reader as the term industry is loosely used and some of the readers have not even produced anything ever!
Thanks for the concern, Amazing Kacee. I plan to try out Stage 32's Script Coverage from an Industry Reader because it'll be a different set of eyes on my script. Plus, I want to try it out so I can recommend the service if it's something worth recommending. I'll be sure to pick a reader who has produced films or writing credits.
I checked the "Purchase Script Coverage from an Industry Reader" page, Amazing Kacee. In the "Who’s Your Reader?" Section, it says:
"A working entertainment industry professional reader. All of our readers have at least 5 years of studio, production company or industry reading experience, and they’ve been individually vetted by Stage 32."
"We also know that anonymity can be intimidating, so you’ll receive a brief bio of your reader so you can see the qualifications of the person giving feedback!"
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Premium pilot or feature 2 page consulting for reason we get to choose own executive. Prior research is vital on who exactly to submit your full script to. I've limited stories set in USA but their expertise, non judgmental criticisms and what they "did "like helped me to move scripts on in Europe.
3 people like this
Art Wasem - I would suggest never getting written notes from an executive but rather doing a live call with an executive, you send them your entire script, and then you can talk and brainstorm with them about your script! Best of Luck!
1 person likes this
I've been getting coverage from trusted writers/directors/producers over the years instead of buying coverage, Art Wasem, but I did have a great Feature Script Read/30-minute Talk with Executive. It was with Michael Wormser (
I plan to try out Stage 32's Script Coverage from an Industry Reader (
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Maurice Vaughan I would suggest you NOT spend money from an industry reader simply because you yourself are in the industry and technically an industry reader yourself. I have had major problems with Stage 32's so-called industry reader as the term industry is loosely used and some of the readers have not even produced anything ever!
1 person likes this
Thanks for the concern, Amazing Kacee. I plan to try out Stage 32's Script Coverage from an Industry Reader because it'll be a different set of eyes on my script. Plus, I want to try it out so I can recommend the service if it's something worth recommending. I'll be sure to pick a reader who has produced films or writing credits.
2 people like this
Maurice Vaughan this platform does not let you choose the readers, and you do not know who they are, they are anonymous unless they have changed this!
Ok, thanks for the heads-up, Amazing Kacee.
I checked the "Purchase Script Coverage from an Industry Reader" page, Amazing Kacee. In the "Who’s Your Reader?" Section, it says:
"A working entertainment industry professional reader. All of our readers have at least 5 years of studio, production company or industry reading experience, and they’ve been individually vetted by Stage 32."
"We also know that anonymity can be intimidating, so you’ll receive a brief bio of your reader so you can see the qualifications of the person giving feedback!"