Screenwriting : What screenwriting contest worth the entry fee? by Nikki April Lee

Nikki April Lee

What screenwriting contest worth the entry fee?

Has anyone been in a screenwriting contest? Its so many contests out there and all of them are asking for fees? Money doesn't grow on trees so I want to make sure the contest I do join won't turn out to be a scam. Also making sure the contest has had good reviews from previous judges and/or participants.

R. David Shuster

I've entered a script writing contest over at SCRIPTAPALOOZA and paid the entrance fee of $65. Seemed that it worked out well as I placed as a finalist in 4th. place in the sitcom 1/2 hour category 2012 even though it was the very first script I wrote. Soon after I and the show LIVING WITH MORRIE was picked up by a local agency called CAA in Century City, CA. As I understand it, and recall I'm a very NewBee, SCRIPTAPALOOZA and CAA are the finest in their field, so if the funds are available, why not?

Philip Sedgwick

Nicholl is the best, though it will be a while before you can enter again, as they just announced winners. Tons of competition and hard to place in this one. Other more well known and highly touted contests that can bring good results: Page, Creative World Awards, Scriptapalooza, Story Pros, Script Pipeline, and or if there are festivals with screenwriting contests local to your area, going to meet people in the biz is always a good idea. Every writer will have her/his favorite, depending upon results.

Philip Sedgwick

PS, and you might find surprising results from lesser known contests... results being reads of the script received. But check out for some writer reviews of contests.

R. David Shuster

I've entered ACCLAIM, SCRIPTAPALLOZA, SCRIPT PIPELINE, PAGE AWARDS, EMERGING SCREENWRITERS and CREATIVE WORLD AWARDS only to win SCRIPTAPALLOZA in the 1/2-hour television sitcom category. Oddly, no placement from the others. Calls into question the consistency of judging. To win one and not place in the others? Seems a bit odd. Even though I'm already repped by CAA, I was hoping to hear from the SCRIPTAPALLOZA folks who might provide some additional propulsion into development. POOF. NOTHING. Except that pert near everyone consumes your $65 entry fee. Sadly, their appears to be few other choices than spend the money and hope for something.

Leonard Benedetto

as someone who has worked as a reader for several contests, I don't put much faith in them. Most of the readers, excluding myself of course, are not that experienced in the craft, so the judging is skewed at best. For those hoping to find an agent or to be noticed by producers, this is a long shot and not something to count on.

Stacey Chehardy

I agree with Leonard. Nikki, what is your goal? Is it to win a contest and a little bit of money or is that what you're thinking you're going to get your 'big break' from?

R. David Shuster

From my way of thinking the various competitions provide an external filter. That assumes that the submitted work comes with feedback, which generally won't happen unless you place high. Even then. It is perhaps of greater value than having a friend read it and provide critique.

Nikki April Lee

Oh my.... I'm entering my script in the CAA contest in about a week and a half. I plan on paying the extra fee to get feedback and notes but now that I hear about some of the judges possibly not being all that experienced in the craft, it makes me halt. My screenwriting bible advised me to enter tons of contest so that when I do go to look for an agent I'll have credits behind my work. Right now I have nothing to show for my writing except writing 19 scripts in two years. Lol.

Marvin Willson

CAA? Do you mean Canadian Authors Association?

Stacey Chehardy

Have you thought about a script coverage instead? If you get a recommend, that should open doors and give you valuable feedback as well

Nikki April Lee

@marvin no Creative Artists Awards... I think that's what it's called. @stacey I do script coverage, registration, and story notes through Hollywood Script Express. The best I've used so far.

Leonard Benedetto

I've never heard of Creative Artists Awards and it's rather strange that nothing comes up when one does a google search for them. as for Hollywood Script Express - i charge less than they do and at least you know who's reading your script instead of 'a staff member'. Any of these online script coverage services hires readers, paying them less than you pay for coverage, so you're not getting your money's worth. Also I would be leary of them because of the production companies/agencies that they say their readers are employed by. I mean 'Ralph Edwards Productions'??? Since when have they produced a movie instead of game shows.

Stacey Chehardy

Did you mean Creative World Awards that Stage 32 is offering a discount for?

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