Screenwriting : What script that you wrote is your favorite? by Steven Harris Anzelowitz

Steven Harris Anzelowitz

What script that you wrote is your favorite?

Could be any reason. First one you wrote. First one you sold. Whatever. On your marks. Get set. SHARE!

Phillip E. Hardy, Prolifique

The most recent one. Until I write one that's more recent than that.

Steven Harris Anzelowitz

Cool! Sharp answer!!!

Phillip E. Hardy, Prolifique

Steve: Thanks!

Sam Borowski

I have a feature comedy I am currently packaging to direct, Stay Fresh. It's a very special movie. ;) GOD BLESS and STAY FRESH! <3

Steven Harris Anzelowitz

I will.

Robert J. Verlander

The one I'm writing now. It just 'feels' right.

Kevin Carothers

Every script has a characteristic that makes it "special".

I have a sci-fi script about a inmate that creates a space travel device out of a prison cell - I like it cos it's creative and unique (well, I guess "Stargate" come close).

I have a fantasy script about a dead woman that encounters Gods and Demons on the Oregon Trail - I like for it's pure weirdness and it won semi-finals at a few festivals.

I have a medical thriller - I like it because it is very technically and precisely written. I hope it does well.

I think over 50,000 scripts are copyrighted every year by WGA... I bet everyone is a "favorite" - one time or another.

Maló Polite Xavier

My first screenplay is Forsaken, Romance & drama

Chanel Ashley

The most recent one appears a standard answer, but in my case it's an affinity with my characters - none of my scripts are alike, the characters diverse with their distinctive personalities and traits - SO, my personal favourite is about a witch and her apprentice and their efforts to escape persecution in 1912 - my 14th script and written some five years ago.

Steven Harris Anzelowitz

Ah! Witches always a great source for a bubbling pot of narrative. Worked for Dorothy. Wicked!

Steven Harris Anzelowitz

I guess favorite is a common phenomenon that runs through our screenwriting and judging from the responses so far it is usually more than ONE favorite that stands out for different reasons. My favorite just like LOVE. You never forget your first. It was called HOPE SAVES MANHATTAN posted here on my logline page if anyone wants to take a read.

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