Screenwriting : Where to sell my screenplay? by Tosin Omotayo

Tosin Omotayo

Where to sell my screenplay?

where can i sell my screenplay please? thanks

William Martell

Have you tried door to door? Send query letters to managers, send query letters to producers. Keep sending them with each new screenplay until you get reads and either a manager or a sale or an assignment.

Bill Johnson

I suggest new writers send out a script to a large contest (Nicholl), a medium-sized contest, and a very small contest (something with fewer than 100 entries).

Jack Vandagriff

Welcome Tosin! The first step, after you've completed a screenplay using the correct format, is to have an expert read and provide you coverage. If you are fortunate to have the reader give a RECOMMEND then press forward sending query letters to agents and prodcos that have produced similar content. Good Luck!! Best, Jack

Erik Grossman

Hi Tosin! If you feel your screenplay is up to par and ready to be optioned, you should check out our pitching services here: This is a great way for you pitch your screenplay directly to Hollywood executives who are actively looking for material. If you tell me a bit about your project, I'd be happy to recommend an executive for you to pitch!

Bill Costantini

JJ - good for you, JJ! VPF has really been a great place to score lately. A couple people I know have accepted options through their VPF efforts. VPF and Inktip have really been delivering - there are a lot of producers looking for quality low-budget stories. Fingers crossed for you, JJ!

Josephine Jeffries

I'm happy for you JJ.

Tosin Omotayo

thanks guys. i really appreciate it. what is VPF?

Tosin Omotayo

Mr. erik, please check my logline on my wall for my movie pitch/ideas. thanks

Tom Batha

Hi Tosin. VPF is It lists Agents, Managers and Producers, along with what type of material they look for. You send them a logline and brief description of your script and they'll let you know if they want to read it. But it's expensive. Figure about US$10 for each person you'd like to query. Another option is IMDBpro. I think they still let you have a free trial. Take advantage of it. They have emails on most Managers and Producers and Agents (concentrate on producers and Managers), along with what they've produced and who they're managing. Hope this helps.

Tosin Omotayo

thanks, people, would look into that Imdbpro. thanks

Jody Ellis

I don't think VPF is that expensive compared to other paid pitch sites. $10 a pitch is minimal, imo.

Erik Grossman

The difference with ours is that it's a more intimate and personal affair. You get 8 minutes face-to-face with our agents, managers, producers and development executives. You get the face time to pitch your project directly to them and answer any questions you have. You also get a more detailed feedback card that pertains directly to your story (which you don't get from VPF, there's are more canned answers). Also, when your material is requested through our service we follow up, and we push the executives to take meetings and move your material further up the chain if they connect with it. You also get feedback on your requested material from the executive detailing why they passed, or if they'd like to meet!

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