Screenwriting : Writing Challenge by Maurice Vaughan

Maurice Vaughan

Writing Challenge

Write a short character intro (with personality and appearance/apparel). Short, but impactful.

Example: A quiet army-of-one,  LAURA STONE (30s), stomps into the office, glaring; nostrils flaring. A security guard uniform covers her heavy-set body.

Jason Mirch

This is great Maurice! Fun prompt to kick off the weekend. Let's get some takers folks! (By the way Maurice did you happen to see the Breakdown Webcast we did in the Writers' Room for character introductions? I think you would love it. We talk all about how to introduce characters).

James Welday

"Gray clouds are parting. Strutting from his apartment door, TODD (late 30s) pulls a key fob from his custom-made suit pocket, peeping his parked Bentley. Even the rain daren't fall on him today..."

Maurice Vaughan

Yeah, Jason Mirch, this is a nice little prompt to kick off the weekend.

Thanks. I didn't know about the Breakdown Webcast. I'll have to look it up. Character intros are so important.

Maurice Vaughan

James Welday, I can tell from your character's intro that Todd is rich (without you saying it). Nice job.

James Welday

Thank you, Maurice! I kind of wrote him as an antagonist, as an untouchable.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, James Welday. I noticed that he was an untouchable type character by "Even the rain daren't fall on him today."

Daniel Stuelpnagel


Colorful lanterns go dark.

ANGELA FIBONACCI, 17, in maroon rhinestone-spangled halter top, matching cowgirl hat, riding pants and boots, offers her horse a nibble of pink cotton candy as she leads him back to the stable.

Daniel Stuelpnagel

Maurice Vaughan thanks a million for the creative spark, ground-level practice of craft to get my mind working, solid gold inspiration!

Maurice Vaughan

Way to paint a picture, Daniel Stuelpnagel. Your character seems like a unique, exciting character (from her outfit and from her feeding her horse pink cotton candy).

Jackson L. Ragsdale


The blinding lights shine through the darkened hallways of the movie theater, everyone is getting ready to watch the film.

JACK STONE, 21, laid back greaser sits still in his seat and combs his chalky black hair.

Daniel Stuelpnagel

Maurice Vaughan thanks man! I've been a painter and visual artist for a long time so I always appreciate that metaphor.

E Langley


Pasty-faced AGENT FINE (40s), her supervisor, has the sly, phony sincere look of a car salesman undervaluing a trade-in.


Reeks of money and power. Nearby Capitol Dome in the window.

Trying too hard masculine decor: Remington sculpture, 10 point buck head (bought), painting of Bonaparte on a steed.

The office of power broker HAINEUX (30s). The grim reaper in a $2000 suit.

James Welday

E Langley love this description!

E Langley

Thx, James.

Maurice Vaughan

I really like your descriptions, E Langley. Great job.

Maurice Vaughan

Nice work, Jackson L. Ragsdale. Jack reminds me of a greaser from the 80's movies.

E Langley

Thanks, Maurice.

Doug Nelson

An example: TREVOR (22), unhoused, unemployed, unwashed, unshaven and un sober wobbles along in threadbare grungy clothing.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, E Langley.

Maurice Vaughan

I could visualize that character wobbling along, Doug.

Craig D Griffiths


Gucci, Rolex, Tiffany are just some of the shops lining the street.

JANET, 50 (tells people 39) walks down the street head tilted back just enough to make her contempt for everyone obvious. Her white dress billows like robes. They look even whiter against her fake tan and oversized sunglasses.

She catches a glimpse of herself in a window and smiles, she’d sleep with herself if that was possible.

Maurice Vaughan

Great intro, Craig. "(tells people 39)" was funny.

Rutger Oosterhoff



SUPER: "MT PURGATORY with its Seven Sins to be punished. "

Just under "Earthly paradise" -- THREE ENTITIES

GOD -- mild and gentle; SATAN -- wild and mental; KATE BU S H (age 19) in her nightgown -- serene and sensual --

Christiane Lange

Front door opens and LAERTES [~65] steps out and carefully scans the street. His appearance is informally elegant – like an arty intellectual. He carries a walking stick that seems to be more style than need, as he walks off perfectly vigorously.

Maurice Vaughan

Nice visuals, Christiane.

Thomas Pollart

Driving, JACK, 35ish, fit, tanned, sharp features, handsome dangerous, heavy brows, thick, slick backed hair, tweaks at his nose, slipping expertly in & out of light traffic. A bluesy cover of Herbie Hancock’s, ‘Cantaloupe Island’ plays on the cassette deck. Smiling, he peeps & slow passes two leggy, female roller-skaters, short shorts, rolling along the beach side, sidewalk. Distracted, suddenly tap brakes, nearly hitting two teen-age boys heading south on ten-speed bicycles, racing across the street just in front of him . .. !


Damn kids!

Maurice Vaughan

Is "Unholy Swap" one of your scripts, Rutger Oosterhoff?

Maurice Vaughan

Thomas Pollart, when I read this part of your intro ("fit, tanned, sharp features, handsome dangerous"), I pictured Tom Cruise.

Thomas Pollart

Interesting, Maurice Vaughan, actually JACK is more audience anonymous, taller, economically struggling thinner. .. it's 1972 Miami, sunny & breezy, coastal Hwy A1A . .

EXT. Eventually we see KAREN ahead, now curb standing, her big bag shouldered, leaning in on one hip, her black V-neck T-shirt too small, embellishing generous curves. She raises a hitchhiker’s thumb.

JACK acknowledges, two short horn taps, pulling over & stopping, leans across & opens the passenger door.

JACK (wolfish grin)

Hey good looking, you look like you might need a ride?

KAREN (flips the last of her cigarette into the breeze)

I do, I certainly do!


Well then, jump in pretty lady.

Maurice Vaughan

Is that from one of your scripts, Thomas Pollart?

Thomas Pollart

Yes, I only have one original, feature or mini series, film Neo Noir, Oscar worthy script synopsis on my site. Hope to download the actual script this week or next, new to the site & already working on the sequel ? Thanks for asking Maurice, visited your site, super congrats on all your accomplishments !

Rutger Oosterhoff

.Yes, Maurice..

Craig D Griffiths

Maurice Vaughan I want that line (and her willingness to have sex with herself is that was possible) to speak to her overt vanity.

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