I making my first vfx movie and I have something like robot want to make it move when I talk to 3d animation designer he tell me : that is easy. But to to expensive. You know in Egypt and my movie are A limited budget because I am the producer. What you will do if you have this problem
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Make the movie you can afford to make now. If you can't afford an entirely 3D robot, make some parts practical (close ups of arms, ect). If you can't afford any 3D, make it all practical (build a robot). Can't afford cool robotics? Make it out of old junk electronics. Still to expensive? Tin foil and cardboard. Get creative with your lights and camera angles to make it look more realistic. Bottom line, don't let your budget stop you. Figure out how much you can spend on your robot, then make the best robot you can with that money. (If you simply must have the all 3D robot, you should probably raise more funds).
Thank you so much for helping me
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No problem at all.