Stage 32 Meetups : Harrisburg, PA by Stephanie Gilbert

Stephanie Gilbert

Harrisburg, PA

I couldn't find a meetup here, so I thought, I'd make a start. I know, there are plenty of actors/directors in the Harrisburg area and surrounding counties. We have so much talent here. I think, it's time, that we should meet up, connect, and collaborate, and gain the trust in each other and our skills. We can get pretty far, I think, but we need each other's support. So who would be up for a meeting? Have a great night everybody!

John Greyland

I'm close to the Harrisburg area and wouldn't mind meeting, connecting and collaborating with fellow actors. Never know what kind of connections you can make.

Rick Meyer

I am in the Harrisburg area about two times a year for about a week each time. if one is going on when I'm there I would love to come.

Stephanie Gilbert

Very nice, John and Rick. Rick, do you already know those weeks?

Cliff Zed

I'm in the Hbg area. Name the time and place (end of August please) and I'll be there. I'll invite others too.

Rick Meyer

They are always fluid. Sorry, Fall next.

Jake Stetler

I am from Lancaster and would be interested.

Stephanie Gilbert

Rick, you can always follow this post or look for any Harrisburg monthly meetup dates as I will surely post it here under meetups, if we can ever get a meetup together.

Stephanie Gilbert

While I believe, you can't make it right for everybody, we can just shoot for a day and time at first and we can always rotate the days to give everybody an equal chance to meet up. And with acting you also never know, if an audition is coming up the last minute, so all we can do is try to give it a couple shots. What day of the week do you guys think, we should do this. Am or pm? Any suggestions for a location?

Stephanie Gilbert

Just checked in here to see, what was going on and saw, that nobody posted anything. I can lead the meetups, that is no problem, but I need to know, which days are better for everyone. So which day of the week is better for each one of you? What time of day? AM or PM? Where do you like to eat out/meet in the Harrisburg area? Thanks for your interest and help :)

Cliff Zed

Hi Stephanie, How often did you want to meet - a set, recurring time or meet once, make plans for the subsequent time depending on plans? I have two activities that meet once a month on Tuesdays and one activity that meets once a month on Sunday. I have a plan for Wednesdays in October, so Thursdays if recurring? I'm in New Cumberland so anywhere between Mechanicsburg and Colonial Park is not a problem. If you want to meet at a restaurant check out the music and background noise. We should meet at a location where people can talk without yelling. I have several ideas and hope to work with you. Cliff

Cliff Zed

Stephanie, I'm facilitating a class in film making at the New Cumberland Library in October. (Wednesday nights 7-8. If you want to attend and do the meet-up afterwards at a nearby locale, this could be the start of something. Cliff

Richard Thrift

I am in Renovo and would love a regular meet up.

Stage 32 Staff - Julie

Hi everyone - our hope is that you can plan a meetup between now and the end of the month to celebrate Stage 32's 3 year anniversary. We will be featuring your meetup and photos you take of it at our 3 year anniversary party in LA which is on October 1.

Kathryn Wylde

Hi Stephanie. I'm a couple hours from Harrisburg (in Bucks County) but would consider making the drive if you pull something together.

Stephanie Gilbert

I'm at acting class tonight with Fordham Films School in Harrisburg. I'm just going to take the initiative, pull something together, post it on here and see the answers. If it is not fitting, we can still cancel it and work with more ideas. :)

Stephanie Gilbert

OK, so I decided to put our first meetup onto the last weekend of December. Please, give me your opinion on one of these two possibilities. Either Saturday morning at 11am, so people, who have to drive a little bit, can have more time in the morning. Or Sunday, September 28th, at 5pm, in Harrisburg. Still looking for a location though. Please, give your votes on these two times. I'd like to make a decision until Wednesday night of this upcoming week. If you like, give me the contact I can reach you at the fastest, then you definitely get the message, even if you're not coming back on here. I know, I'm always insanely busy. We'll have it run officially for about an hour, I'd say, with an unofficial part to socialize, for whoever wants to do that. This will give people enough time to drive back home, after the important stuff is talked about, if they come from further away. If it doesn't work that way, we can learn from experience, and adjust after we're smarter ;) maybe we need more time for the official part, who knows. Since we all would like to learn from our meetings (that's the point of a meetup, right?), I would suggest, that we each introduce ourselves and then if any of us are able to bring something to the table concerning film news in and around Harrisburg, such as acting classes in and around Harrisburg, current auditions close to us, film shoots in the area, webpages that deal with our subject, that cover the area, please, feel free to mention that. I'll take notes of the meeting and send an update to all our members, even the ones, who couldn't be there. How does that sound? Any other suggestions, please, let me know for sure. Other than that, bring a relaxed attitude and have tons of fun :D

Stephanie Gilbert

Oops, I meant the last weekend of September, not December. I don't know, what happened there. Glad I read it again. So it's September!!!

Stephanie Gilbert

Oh, bring your business cards, if you have any and you can also bring fliers and other items of acting events in the area, if you have any. Also, the actors in the group, you should never forget headshots and resumes, cause you just never know, who you're gonna meet. (Sorry, don't want to sound like mama bear ;) I guess, I'm getting excited now, since we have less than a week left to our first meeting :) )

John Greyland

I can do Saturday, can't do Sunday as i have a shoot in Baltimore. As far as film shoots in the area, are you looking for the tri-state area or closer to Harrisburg? I know Veep is looking for people however that is being filmed down in Maryland, same as House of Cards.

Cliff Zed

Augh. I can't do either time. How about: Thursday. Friday, Monday evening? Sunday noon-ish?

Stephanie Gilbert

During the week in the evening is not doable for me this week and most other weeks don't look too good for me either, because I'm teaching classes in the evening during the week, have cub scouts, PTO, and school board meetings. Let's see, who else is answering and we go from there. We can always do it on a different night some other time. This week is just a very bad week for me to do it during the week and Stage 32 wanted to include us into their anniversary celebration with this meeting. We can do it during the week some other time. In any case, I'll send you our update and what we discussed, so you're not missing out on anything.

Stephanie Gilbert

John, to answer your question, I believe, that the film events and projects can really be anywhere. However the artists, that I would like to possible include, spoil, or whatever you want to call that, should be from Harrisburg and surrounding areas. I believe, that we have a huge, huge (partially untapped) potential in this area. And actors, especially newcomers, do not have the support, they need. I would like this to be supportive and helpful, so we can all bounce off of each other and catapult each other to success. Alone we are weak. Together we can be strong. Connections can flow. More projects can be reached. Dreams can grown. The artists here in the Harrisburg area should mostly benefit from this. Of course, others can join, but in the end it will boil down to our local talent, no matter where the film shoots are.

Stephanie Gilbert

OK, I dug in my heels this morning and tried to get a room. I should have checked my own schedule first, because I have a bus trip Saturday morning. It's scheduled until about 1pm, but since those trips are always pretty vague (I may not be back until 5 or whenever), I thought, the safest thing is Sunday. The Giant Community Center rooms aren't free. So I called a couple restaurants. Came to find, that Olive Garden is usually pretty quiet in the mornings, so I made a group reservation for Sunday morning at 11am. So now we will meet at the Harrisburg Olive Garden (5102 Jonestown Road, Harrisburg, PA) at 11.00am this Sunday, September 27th. The group reservation is under "Gilbert". I'm very excited, that we can finally get this oh so very important thing of the ground and meet up and boost our chances of getting hired in the film industry. Bring yourself (hopefully in a happy mood) and let's have some fun talking, connecting, and socializing. If you want to eat, you can, but everybody has to pay for their own bills. Don't forget business cards, resumes, headshots, cause you never know, just who you're gonna meet. Also, please give me a head count. Space is reserved for 5-10 people, but I need to know, who plans to come, in case we're going over the allocated number. Yipieee!

Cliff Zed

Stephanie, that time works for me. I plan to be there.

Stephanie Gilbert

Thanks, I'm counting you in.

Stephanie Gilbert

Another woopsy, Sunday is the 28th, not the 27th. So it's gonna be Sunday, the 28th, at 11am at the Olive Garden in Harrisburg.

Rick Meyer

Would I could come, alas I am in the Carolinas. Enjoy.

Stephanie Gilbert

Shoot for next time, Rick. :) I hope we get a bigger turnout than just 3 people.

Stephanie Gilbert

Aaaaaaand we're off to our very first Harrisburg Area Acting Meet Up. I' :) feel free to join us at the Olive Garden in Harrisburg on Jonestown Road at 11.00am. Today's topics: - Introductions of new member (so everybody, cause this is the 1st meetup) - brainstorming about where to get film acting work in the area - brainstorming about all the film acting scams in this area - voting for a next meetup date/time/location I can't wait! See everybody at 11.00am! :)

Stephanie Gilbert

And I just realized, dashes don't copy well into here ;)

Stephanie Gilbert

So our first meetup took about 2 hours and 15 minutes. Out of the 3 people there, two were productive, cause one was my son. And while he's a great actor and somewhat of a good writer/director (he worked on half my graduation project with me) with 7 years, he's not capable of participating in a meaningful conversation quite yet. We talked about who we are, what our goals are, and about our resources and what we expect at this point. I wish, more people could have been there, but I think, we were very productive. I will send out an e-mail newsletter to everybody, or message you, if I don't have an e-mail. We talked about, when we want our next meetup to be and came to the conclusion, that we should just do it on an as needed basis, because in the film world our work load is not the same everyday. If we have several members of the group work on important things they need input, we can just meet up more often. Other than that, we'll just agree on a meetup at the current one. Right now we're shooting for the end of October possible and we're thinking West Shore library. Please, let me know, If you have important projects to talk about or need input and what your schedule looks at the end of October. Possibly maybe the beginning of November, because the end of October everybody may be busy with Halloween. Input please! Have a great and productive week everybody! YIEPIEEE! We did it! :)

Samuel Kpakiwa

Hi, is this still a thing? If so I'd love to be a part of it. Thank you.

Stephanie Gilbert

Yes, this is still a thing. I've been gone from acting for a while. I'm back now.

Stephanie Gilbert

I was wondering, if we want to do a Meetup in July sometime.

Cliff Zed

Hello Stephanie. Yes. still here. I'd like to meet and do some filming. June is OPEN! But if you want July: July 20 - 30, I'm unavailable.

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