Stage 32 Meetups : SEATTLE Stage 32 Meetup - SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2014 by Beth Fox Heisinger

SEATTLE Stage 32 Meetup - SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2014

Sunday, September 14, 6:00pm, The Gordon Biersch Brewery Restaurant at Pacific Place. Hope to see you there!

Rick Hardin

I'll be there!

Brian Shell

What are the cross-streets for that Beth?

Beth Fox Heisinger

Hey Brian, it's on Sixth and Pine. There's a large parking garage underneath Pacific Place. Gordon Biersch Brewery Restaurant is on the fourth floor. Here are driving directions from their web site: I hope that helps! :)

Brian Shell

Thanks Beth... sounds like it's located where the ol' 4th floor Palomino used to be. My fav, back in 1997, was The Palace Kitchen on 5th a block away from the Cinerama (on 4th). Myself, I used to live on First & Broad in Lower Queen Anne with a great Puget Sound view. Good memories... of finishing my first screenplay. Thanks for the stroll down Amnesia Lane. Now in Detroit, I assume I won't be attending your meet-up, but I'll be there in Spirit

Gail Clifford

Sorry I won't be able to make this one - working. Maybe if there's another one, you could make it around 8p or so - would love to drive up from Federal Way and meet everyone!

Bill Hartin

Are out-of-towners welcome? I might be in the Seattle area the week of 10/12, if my film is accepted at a nearby festal.

Beth Fox Heisinger

Yes of course, Bill! I look forward to meeting you.

Crystal L. Smithwick

I'll try to make it. I am helping with casting a movie that afternoon. Hopefully, I'll be done on time.

Beth Fox Heisinger

Okay Crystal. Thanks for letting us know. Hope you make it too. :)

Beth Fox Heisinger

Hey guys, I have to cancel! I have a family emergency and I will be gone this weekend! I am so so sorry. Please go ahead and meet up without me. Or maybe reschedule or do something else or whatever you guys think would be best. Would you like me to post a cancellation for this Saturday? Rick? Crystal? Bill? Please let me know what you'd prefer. There are other Seattle screenwriting groups that meet regularly, right Crystal? Again, I am so sorry. I was looking forward to meeting all of you on Saturday. :(

Rick Hardin

I'm up for a reschedule. This Saturday has become somewhat of a challenge for me as well. But if everyone else wants to continue I'll be there.

Beth Fox Heisinger

Rick, I was thinking of posting a cancellation, at least just from me, saying, I can no longer "host," I guess. Those of us on this thread are in the know, but there may be others who are not aware and may just show up. What do you think? Certainly you guys can meet up without me or reschedule, but I feel responsible... Again, I'm sorry about all this. Unfortunately my sudden family emergency takes me out of state.

Rick Hardin

Hey Beth no worries. "Life happens." Not your fault. Anyone else (Crystal , Bill? anyone?) your thoughts? Reschedule? Or forge ahead?

Bill Hartin

If I attend at all, it will be a as a guest in October, and that's dependent on whether my short film is accepted by the Gig Harbor Film Festival. I'll just keep my eye on this thread and check in as to whether you are still meeting when/if I get to town.

Beth Fox Heisinger

Okay, thanks Bill. Best wishes with your short! I hope it gets accepted!

Beth Fox Heisinger

Thanks Rick. :) Hopefully we'll hear from Crystal soon.

Crystal L. Smithwick

I am unable to attend Saturday too. I'm for rescheduling.

Beth Fox Heisinger

Okay, should I just post a cancellation? And... we can, or you guys can, take the reins and start a new post about a new meeting?

Beth Fox Heisinger

We'll try again. :) Maybe September?

Rick Hardin

Works for me!

Crystal L. Smithwick

September should be good!

Deena Vichugsananon

Yikes! I'm glad I checked back. I was about to head over.

Deena Vichugsananon

Nev'mind then! See y'all in September!

Beth Fox Heisinger

Deena, I'm so glad you caught the cancellation in time. Yikes! Sorry about that. :)

Beth Fox Heisinger

Hey everybody! So... September dates? What works for you? To celebrate Stage 32's third anniversary we need to meet before the 20th. I will probably start a new post/thread for a September meetup... Stay tuned.

Rick Hardin

I'm pretty open, so whatever works for everyone is good for me.

Rick Hardin

Just to get the ball rolling. How about the 13th?

Doug Cox

Hi everyone, I would like to join you all and meet everyone so please let me know when you reschedule. Thanks!

Wenda Zonnefeld

Given The greater Seattle area's current traffic and transit situation I would be interested if there were an additional meeting on the Eastside of Lake Washington. If that's not possible - have a great meeting and best wishes :)

Bryan Howell

Hi all -- I'm potentially interested, but would have a much easier time meeting after 7:30 or so. Weekends are fine, but mid-week might mean for easier parking/thinner crowds.

Charles J Booth Jr

Agree with Wanda. Anywhere but downtown. 20th?

Doug Cox

What about Northgate Mall @ the RAM? Lot's of parking and traffic not to bad at the right time of day.

Doug Cox

There probably won't be an ideal place for everyone

Beth Fox Heisinger

Hey guys, I'm not sure what happened here... But this post has been altered without my knowledge. I was about to start a new one for September. If someone else would like to steer, please let me know. :) Otherwise, what I was thinking was the same plan but a date change. The Gordon Biersch Brewery still is a good location. Pacific Place is centrally located and offers great parking -- a big concern for those of us outside of Seattle. Would a week night or weekend be better? I was zeroing in on the weekend of the 13th or the 20th. Thoughts?

Beth Fox Heisinger

Just to add... Northgate is way too far for me. I'm coming from Bainbridge Island. Rick is coming from Kent. I'm certainly open for a different location if downtown is too complicated for most. But, again, I've always found Pacific Place to be easy to get to and it does have great parking. Ideas?

Beth Fox Heisinger

Charles, Wanda, Doug and Bryan, where are you guys coming from?

Rick Hardin

Hi Beth, I got an email from the staff at Stage 32 about this meet up. I'm wondering if they sent it out to everyone in Seattle and surrounding areas (I live in Kent.) Anyway either weekend works for me and since this was broadcasted a new meet up discussion would be a good thing.

Bryan Howell

I'm in Ravenna.

Beth Fox Heisinger

Hey Rick, yes, I think that's what happened. I think since we found some new people I will just alter the heading of this post, and we'll take it from there. ;)

Rick Hardin

Sounds like a plan!

Beth Fox Heisinger

Okay, so I've inquired with some of my daily Seattle commuter friends and my understanding is that the waterfront is horrible right now, anything from the north or south depending on time of day can be difficult, and I90 is open. So... I'm still thinking Pacific Place is the way to go. There are one way streets on both sides that lead right to it without much gridlock -- of course depending on time of day. Perhaps meeting later in the evening on a week day or on a Sunday evening would work well. Avoid traffic, work schedules and weekend crowds. Maybe Sunday, September 7th or the 14th, at 7:30pm?

Rick Hardin

Either one works for me.

Doug Cox

Weekends work best for me but I will try to make whatever is agreed upon. My schedule is fairly flexible as along as I don't have something already booked on the day/time you decide on.

Max Sauer

Sounds good. I used to live in Seattle, so getting to Pacific Place shouldn't be a problem. But which floor?

Bill Hartin

No word yet from the festival but I'm still hoping and if I get in, will probably show up for the October meet. Have a cold one for me at the S32 3-year fete.

Charles J Booth Jr

Oak Harbor. So anywhere is far.

Kris Keppeler

I'm in rehearsals for a musical right now, so only Mondays and the weekends work for me.

Foil L.

if you need a singer I'm in :) and I can cook :)

Beth Fox Heisinger

Okay guys, I'm leaning towards Sunday, September 14, 6:00pm, The Gordon Biersch Brewery Restaurant at Pacific Place. I'm hoping that works best for most of us. Yes?

Benjamin Barak Andrews

I'd love to host you guys at the Seattle Film Summit on the 27th. Keep that in mind.

Beth Fox Heisinger

Hey Benjamin, good to see you here! I was going to send you a PM to let you know what we're discussing for September. Yes, the Seattle Film Summit sounds great! Perhaps the summit should be an additional event. This September Stage 32 meetup needs to be before the 20th in order to be part of the Stage 32 third year anniversary. I hope you plan to post more information about the summit here on Stage 32. Also, if we see you at the September meetup would you share more about it? I looked at the web site and tickets are not available yet. :)

Craig Yahne

Hello every one this is great I'm wondering if the date time & location has been finalized? .. please post if you have

Craig Yahne

Ballard has some real easy location food & brews with free parking.

Beth Fox Heisinger

Hey Craig, right now, I'm thinking Sunday, September 14, 6:00pm, The Gordon Biersch Brewery and Restaurant at Pacific Place for this first meetup. I'm only waiting for thoughts/concerns before posting the date "officially." ;) I'm trying to pick something that's centrally located with a ton of parking and at a date/time when most can attend. :)

Robert Power

I look forward to this!

Craig Yahne

Yeah sounds good.

Rick Hardin

Sunday the 14th works for me!

Bryan Howell

Sorry, too early for me to make it. Have fun!

Ken Rowe

Sunday the 14th sounds good!

Benjamin Barak Andrews

I would love to join you guys on the 14th.

Beth Fox Heisinger

GREAT! I'll make it official then! Thanks everyone for letting me know. Much appreciated.

Beth Fox Heisinger

Bryan, could you attend after 7:30pm? I remember you saying something about your availability after 7:30... I only moved up the time to 6:00 because it is on a Sunday. I presumed earlier would be better. I can slide the time back some if that helps? I assume most of us will be there for a few hours. You could call the restaurant, see if we are still there. I'd hate for you to miss out. :)

Stage 32 Staff - Julie

Beth - shoot me a DM when you finalize the date & time and I'll send out an email to members in the area for you :)

Kris Keppeler

I'd love to come but its likely I have rehearsal that evening.

Max Sauer

Looking forward to it.

Beth Fox Heisinger

Hey all, I changed the the post heading making the September meetup official! I decided to keep the start time at 6:00pm because "it's first come first serve" at Gordon Biersch and I would like to get us a good table, or maybe two. ;) There is a Seahawks game earlier that day starting at 1:05pm, but I don't think that will affect us at all. I'll get there early and claim a table out front in the patio area. For those who may need to show up later, please do. We'd love to meet you!

Max Sauer

Is it on the 14th?

Beth Fox Heisinger

Yup. Sunday, September 14.

Bryan Howell

I'll try to make it if I can. It'd be fun to meet some likeminded peeps :)

Crystal L. Smithwick

Bummer! I have a horse show that weekend. I'll try to make it, but we're usually packing out around 6 p.m.

Joseph Weisnewski

I look forward to meeting you Beth and all others who show up. Once again, thank you for arranging all of this.

Bill Hartin

Kudos, Beth, you pulled it all together without pulling out all your hair in the process. Wish I could be there.

Beth Fox Heisinger

Thanks guys. I look forward to meeting all of you too! Sorry, we'll miss some. Perhaps next time. :) Best to everyone!

Stage 32 Staff - Julie

How exciting Beth! Looking forward to seeing the pictures :)

Beth Fox Heisinger

Hey everybody! I'll be sitting out front in the Gordon Biersch patio/bar area. Hope to see you all tonight!

Joseph Weisnewski

Okay. See you then. Six o'clock right? Do you have an idea of how many of us are coming?

Rick Hardin

I'll be there!

Beth Fox Heisinger

Hey Joseph, Yes, 6:00pm. :) I'm not exactly sure how many are attending but a rough count puts it around 10 (more or less). There may be others that did not comment on this thread but could show up. Also, there were a few that were not certain of their availability so I did not count them. :) Nonetheless, it should be a good mix of people! See ya later.

Stage 32 Staff - Julie

Have fun everyone! RB and everyone here at stage 32 are Looking forward to seeing the photos :)

Beth Fox Heisinger

Will do Julie! I'll email photos to you tomorrow. ;)

Joseph Weisnewski

Hi Beth, I've had a little time to regain composure and can now ask you, "What happened yesterday?" I was there at 5:50. I checked a couple of times to see if you were out front. The staff took me to a table set for ten that they said was reserved for our party. At 6:15 i was joined by Shawn Kelly who had driven up from Tacoma. We sat there alone for the rest of the evening. That said, we had a nice chat and enjoyed the conversation but where were you and everyone else? Was there some screw up at Gordon Biersch?

Beth Fox Heisinger

Joseph and Shawn, I was sitting in the patio out front -- as I stated where I would be and where we were to meet. I have said several times on this thread that I would be in the patio/bar. I even had a Stage 32 sign with me. I did not make a party reservation. I was there at 5:30 and did not move. A few others showed up at 6:00 and shortly there after. We did not leave until after 8:00. You really should have stayed or perhaps looked around. That's such a shame we missed you guys.

Joseph Weisnewski

My my. What a screw up. Shawn and I left at about 7:45. The hostess seemed to know exactly who I was asking for when i mentioned your name and led me to a table inside. It was set for ten diners. Shawn had been hanging out in the bar watching to see if anyone showed up until a waiter went over to tell him that there was someone (me) waiting at the table. So sorry I missed you and the others. Did you have a good meeting?

Beth Fox Heisinger

Yes, it was fun. ...I'm confused. I NEVER made a reservation. I called and asked if it gets busy in the bar on a Sunday but that's it. I never told them "Stage 32" nor gave them my name. Maybe my name popped up on caller id? I wish they had not interfered. You probably would have found us. I specifically said NO to a reservation because I had no idea how many people would show up and I did not want to put money down -- required for party reservations as stated on their web site. You know, I think you looked right at me when you walked up. You were wearing a blue shirt/jeans and you were carrying a journal. I watched you go inside and I wondered if you were a Stage 32 person. I watched, thinking you would come back out but you never did... Once others started showing up I stopped watching the door. Now that I've seen Shawn's picture, I think he walked right by me -- twice! I wish you guys would have re-checked the thread! I stated earlier at noon that I would be in the patio/bar, right out front. DANG!!

Joseph Weisnewski

Yeah, I walk right by you and looked over and wondered. I got confused when the hostess was so certain about where we should be sitting. Once Shawn showed up we got so caught up in our conversation that in the end the rest of it didn't matter. Well, sorry I didn't get to meet you and the others. Thanks again for taking the time and making the effort to put all of it together. Was there any indication on the part of the others that they would like to stay in contact and perhaps meet again?

Beth Fox Heisinger

You're welcome. :) I'm sorry we missed you and Shawn. Yes, we talked a little about another Stage 32 meetup, perhaps making them monthly events, but did not finalize plans. Distance between S32 members in this area is problematic. I, myself, traveled from Bainbridge Island last night to attend -- crossing ocean, Elliot Bay! :) There was talk about other Seattle events such as; The Seattle Film Summit on September 27; And; the Seattle Office of Film and Music "Happy Hour" event on Sept. 24;

Joseph Weisnewski

Ha, I just got an email from Shawn and we both feel like a couple of dopes for not continuing to check. But, on the bright side, we had a great talk and now I have one more musical friend in the area. Speaking of film I have a movie project coming up in early October. It's one of those 48 hour film projects. If you haven't participated in one of those it makes for a very intense weekend but it is also a lot of fun and an opportunity to meet other creatives.

Max Sauer

I apologize for not making the meeting this weekend. I was distracted with other things and I regret not showing up.

Beth Fox Heisinger

No worries, Max. We'll see you next time. Best wishes to you! :)

Rick Hardin

Joseph. I've always wanted to do a 48 hour movie if you got room on your team I'd love to lend a hand.

Joseph Weisnewski

Hi Rick, I'll talk to the rest of the team. As far as I know we don't have anyone on board who specializes in model building or set construction. I'll let you know what I hear.

Beth Fox Heisinger

Hey All! An October Seattle meetup has been scheduled. And, RB will be there! Tuesday, October 14, 6PM, Fado Irish Pub. Please view RB's meetup post and let us know if you will attend. THANKS!

Joseph Weisnewski

Beth, once again thank you for putting all of this together. Unfortunately that is the evening my 48 Hour Film Project movie will be playing. I'm so sorry to have to miss the meeting.

Beth Fox Heisinger

Dang! Sorry we'll miss you, Joseph. But, CONGRATULATIONS on your project! I wish you the best!

Joseph Weisnewski

Thank you Beth. I'm very sorry to miss the meet up. Hope we can have another opportunity in the future.

Bryan Howell

Beth, I'll have to miss it, too -- I'm also doing the 48 Hour Film Project, so I'm in the same boat as Joseph, schedule-wise. Joseph, which team are you working with? I'll keep an eye out for you! (Our team is "All-Nighter Films")

Joseph Weisnewski

Hi Bryan, My team is the Seattle Film Collective. We show at 7 P.M. on Tuesday. What time is your film screening? If possible we should at least meet up to say 'Hi".

Ken Rowe

I'm a bit late chiming in, but thanks to Beth and RB for putting this on. It's always fun to hang out with great people of like mind!

Craig Yahne

RB thsnks for coming out to sSeattle dnd meeting with all who made it to the networking group also would like to thank Beth for helping out on the organised part it was great meeting you hopefully we can work on some productions coming up.

Beth Fox Heisinger

Hey guys, I'm sorry to say that I am unable to organize a Seattle Meetup for November and December. My schedule is crazy busy right now, at least until after the New Year. But please don't let my schedule stop you. ;) If someone else would like to take the reins, please do. Post here to give the "regulars" a heads up, then lead them to a new post in the 'meetups' section in the lounge. ...Fado was a great location; two parking garages next door; great drinks; long happy hour; great atmosphere. You really can't go wrong. :) Again, my sincere apologies and best wishes to all of you!

Bill Hartin

If anyone has taken the reins to arrange a Meet-up, please let know - I will be in the Seattle area for about a week, 11/13-18, and would like to connect if possible. Call it a filmmaking fix.

Joseph Weisnewski

There is a meet up scheduled for 7PM this evening at the Mercer Island Community Center, room 103

CK Steefel

Hi all; I'm moving to Seattle mid July and would love to join a screenwriters group. This thread is old but I thought maybe I could bring it back to life. Thanks.

Rick Hardin

HI CK, welcome to Seattle! I half heartedly tried to get a writer's group going but didn't get anywhere with it. I'm still game. Rick

Ken Rowe

I'm interested too, if it's at a convenient time & place. I'm in Snohomish.

CK Steefel

Hi Rick and Ken; I move mid July, so sometime in August would be great. Our temporary home will be in Renton.

Beth Fox Heisinger

Hey guys! Yes, I know... I've had a few ask me -- so, when's the next one? I had to stop due to life stuff, but perhaps we can pick up where we left off. Now, I'm a Stage 32 moderator, perhaps I can get us some cool Stage 32 swag again! But, sadly, no RB this time. I'll have to take a look at the calendar. Fado downtown Seattle seemed to work well, yes?

Rick Hardin

Fado seemed work fine. I liked that they had those segregated pockets of tables for smaller groups.

Beth Fox Heisinger

Yeah, I liked it too! So, perhaps sometime in August?

Rick Hardin

Works for me!

CK Steefel

sounds fab. let's be in touch.

Bill Hartin

With your permission, if I happen to be visiting my daughter in Gig Harbor while any meetings are scheduled, I will try to make it, even though I'm not an officially sanctioned member of your august group of creatives.

Joseph Weisnewski

Sounds great. I really hope I can make it this time.

Beth Fox Heisinger

Okay, stay tuned. And, we're not "sanctioned" that sounds too formal! LOL! All are welcome. :)

Beth Fox Heisinger

Okay, heads up! Stage 32 Seattle Meetup -- Thursday, August 20, at Fado Irish Pub in Seattle, 801 1st Ave, 6:00pm. Same place as the last meetup. Does that sound good to most everyone? I called and talked to the folks at Fado, we confirmed there are no Mariners, Sounders, or Seahawks games that evening. So, that's good. :) I'll soon post this meetup officially in the "Meetups" section. Please keep an eye out. :) I look forward to seeing you guys!

CK Steefel

I'll be there, Beth! Very excited to meet fellow Stage 32ers. I've been here just two weeks, so I'm also thrilled to meet new friends!

CK Steefel

Just realized the 20th is the night before we move into our new home. I'll do my best to be packed and organized so I can come by. Need some fellow screenwriter time.

Rick Hardin

Count me in!

Max Sauer

I'll try to make it if I can.

Beth Fox Heisinger

Great guys! :) CK, it would be wonderful to meet you too. :) Fado is downtown. You could always stop by, leave early. These meetups usually go for 2-3 hours and are casual. Please don't stress about this. Do what works best for you. You could always catch the next one. :)

Gail Clifford

Sounds great, Beth! If I'm not taking my daughter back to college that week, I'll plan to be there!

Kris Keppeler

If I'm in town I'll definitely be there. I may have to go to Wenatchee to watch over my Dad while my mother is on a trip, not sure of the date yet.

Beth Fox Heisinger

Okay, everyone! I just posted the official Seattle Meetup announcement for Thursday, August 20. Please go to the Meetups section where you can comment and RSVP. I hope to see you there!

Md Salmam

Thats Great

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