"Beyond the Door", a short film produced from my adaptation of Phillip K. Dick's short story of the same name by Mad Wife Productions and directed by Gregory Klino and MJ Palo, has been selected as a Nominee, which I think means "Finalist", in the Yeti FilmFest.
See the Winner and other Nominees at https://yetifilmfest.com/2024-summer-semifinalists
Congratulations on "Beyond the Door" being a Nominee, P. James Norris!
I’m a Stage 32 Lounge Moderator. I wanted to let you know that I moved your post from the Stage 32 Success Stories Lounge to the Your Stage Lounge since it's not a Stage 32 success story. It's a success story about being a Nominee in the Yeti FilmFest. You can post about success stories that are unrelated to Stage 32 in the Your Stage Lounge and on Your Wall. Let me know if you have any questions.
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No, this quite all right. Thanks for putting this where it belongs.
You're welcome, P. James Norris.