Success Stories: NOV'26 Criminal Activities

Criminal Activities

When you're rising you just keep rising. The Naysayers said I would never get this far. Let this be an example of why you should never let Haters predict your future. You are the Master of your destiny! Criminal Activities now showing at select Theaters, iTunes, Amazon and Video on Demand. Check your local listing for times. Criminal Activities Official Trailer:

Shawn Speake

Can you post a trailer, Rex! I'd love to check out your style! Did you know you can upload AUDIO/VIDEO on your home page? Always here for you and your questions about S32! Happy Thanksgiving

Rex Baker

Hi Shawn..I posted the Trailer in a separate post. Hopefully I did it correctly! lol Thank you for the information.

Shawn Speake

Wow.... that's a strong trailer, dawg. Very impressive

Shawn Speake

Did Travolta have work done on his face? Looks like a serious lift, or it that just his look for the movie?

Rex Baker

I really don't know....Think John Gotti!

Dorothy A. Atabong

Congrats Rex.

Richard Willett

Fantastic, Rex. And inspirational.

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