I've been pitching my pilot Blind World all year and now there's some interest, I've decided to start pitching other projects. I pitched my first book, Seven Sisters Moon to Gersh and it has been REQUESTED! Yay me. Today I pitched two projects at once, which I have never done. I pitched two projects to Cross Creek with a little more than an hour's notice. One horror, one drama, one frazzled writer. A) I'm not sure I will do more than one at a time again. B.) My power went out fifteen minutes before my session so I was really caught off guard. We had tornadoes and storms last night. Why it went off for a few minutes as I was drying my hair is just one of life's little tests. C.) I have a ton of work behind me that I'd like to get out in front of me. I hope everyone is having a great start to the week!
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Congratulations Dayna! Keep up the good work because obviously you didn't crack under the pressure! I can imagine how stressful that must have been with the power out! Yay you!